Events for Kids in Sydney South

Do you ever wonder if your child is missing out by not receiving a music education? Do you ever wish you had been given the opportunity? These School Holidays, the Open Academy's Kids at the Con music program is holding School Holiday Workshops for 3-10 year olds! Children will participate in a variety of structured activities including singing, imitation, movement, improvisation, story-telling and guided listening activities, based on the Orff-Schulwerk approach and the Kodaly methods. No prior musical experience is required! Class times vary for different age groups. Classes for ages 3-5 will run for 50-minutes, 5-6 year old workshops run for 3 hours, while the workshops for 6-10 year olds will run for the whole day from 9am-2pm. Please note that each workshop is designed as a one-off session, and material will be repeated across all sessions.