Sports Events for Kids in the Newcastle Region

Training for 2025 starts back on Monday 6th January - Clarence Town Tuesday 7th January - Raymond Terrace

Now you can exercise the gentle way with Chair Yoga! Sit. Get Fit is the perfect class for seniors, the less agile, as well as others who are active yoga participants. Also a great way to meet like-minded, active people in the community and form lasting friendships and healthy exercise habits! Benefits include: improved flexibility improved circulation builds strength & balance better concentration reduced pain in muscles & joints improved sleep great sense of relaxation and well-being Leave feeling stretched, loosened and relaxed. Dates: Wednesdays (school term-time) Time: 9.30-10.30am Venue: YWCA Hunter, 24 Dawson St, Cooks Hill NSW 2300 Suitable for: 50 + / less agile / active yogis / males / female Cost: $13.50 per class Bookings essential: www. ywcahunterregion. chair-yoga

YWCA Encore is a FREE 8 week program designed specifically for women who have experienced, or are currently experiencing breast cancer to improve and retain mobility and flexibility in the upper limbs, confidence and general wellbeing. YWCA Encore is a holistic program, helping to create positive self-esteem and body image and a positive attitude to life and health. The exercises help strengthen arms, shoulders and chest and improve flexibility and mobility. The exercises can also help to improve general fitness and wellbeing, reduce the risk of lymphedema, aid the management of lymphedema and reduce fatigue associated with treatment. The program also offers information through guest speakers, links into local services and an opportunity to connect with women who share a similar experience in a safe, fun and supportive environment. Many great friendships have been formed at YWCA Encore programs. Bookings essential: www. ywcahunterregion.

Join us for Tai Chi at the YWCA Hunter. Tai Chi is a gentle exercise form where participants move in an upright posture, in a slow and controlled manner. It can be practised standing or sitting. It exercises the entire body, all the joints, muscles and internal organs. It enhances the Qi (氣) or life energy. Practising tai chi enhances our health and wellbeing and is particularly effective in improving arthritic stiffness and developing better balance. Tai chi calms the mind, helps to relieve stress and promotes a sense of harmony and wellness. Benefits include: *improves balance and stability *increases circulation *improves posture *improves cognitive function *better concentration *strengthens bones *improves flexibility and range of motion *improves quality of sleep *lowers blood pressure *improves overall wellbeing *promotes relaxation Amazing benefits from such a simple exercise! Above all, tai chi is safe and easy to learn. Dates: Fridays (school term-time) Time: 9.30-10.30am Venue: YWCA Hunter, 24 Dawson St, Cooks Hill NSW 2300 Suitable for: Tai Chi is gentle enough to be practised by everyone, including people with limited movement Cost: $13.50 per class Bookings essential: www. ywcahunterregion. tai-chi