Education Events for Kids in Nunawading

Football Star Academy will be running soccer camps during the upcoming school holidays for any children interested in developing their skills, meeting new friends and having some fun over the break. Donvale Primary School 9-12pm (3 hours) $50 per day Week 1: Mon 7th - Fri 11th April Week 2: Mon 14th - Thur 17th April *Individual day bookings

Come dressed in your favourite costume or as your favourite character and let's have some fun to celebrate the last lesson of Term 1. It is also bring a friend day and bring a joke day. Current Students are welcome to bring a friend. Come and enjoy the fun.

New Students are welcome to come with a friend or friends for a free trial class in any of our group classes. Current Students are welcome to bring a friend for a free trial class in any of our group sessions. Come and enjoy the fun.