Ultimate Martial Arts Academy
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Steve Pavic30-01-2014RatedReport Review5Training here is soul lifting experienceI started at Ultimate martial arts academy just over 6 months ago to try gain some fitness after reaching almost 100kg in weight. Now I am 65kg, 38 years old and have never been more fit in my life. Not only does SiFu Henry help you gain fitness, He is one of the best martial artists in the world and an incredible teacher of many disciplines. I do Wing Chun and now both of my daughters are doing the little tigers class and are loving every minute of it. Every student there is a part of the family and are always made feel welcome. It has been a soul lifting experience and I have learnt so much in 6 months that I can’t wait to see how far I will come in the next 6 months. It is never too late to start learning self defence. Maybe it will change your life like it did mine.
Nat30-01-2014RatedReport Review5Love the school. Incredible Sifu, Incredible Results. Lost 36kg!I started coming to the Ultimate Martial Arts Academy in Hallam after putting on a tremendous amount of weight (36kg) after having my 2nd Child. I was heavily overweight (got to a shocking 90kg) was seriously unfit, unhealthy and more importantly too unmotivated to make a change. Sifu Henry made me feel comfortable as did all of the guys at the school. Everyone was supportive, encouraging and friendly and I felt comfy coming to training in trackies and a t-shirt and working up a sweat. Within the first month i lost 7kg and then continued to have amazing results every month after that. I am now 55kg and well towards achieving my pre-baby weight in just 5 months. Its been an incredible journey, and one that i could never have done without the support and encouragement of SiFu Henry. If you need to loose weight, increase your fitness, strength and flexibility whilst also learning a unique and scientific martial art that will teach you self-defense, discipline, dexterity, and assist you in achieving your goals personally, mentally and physically then this is the place for you! You wont regret it.
Kate17-01-2014RatedReport Review5THIS SCHOOL... HERE...is UNLIKE every other martial arts school around!I wanted to write a review to help people make informed decisions when researching which martial arts schools to study at in Sout East Melb because everyone wants to learn from the best, to be the best-its really as simple as that... but how does one know who is the best? And if the Master is really as good as he claims to be if the students don't say anything to confirm/deny that claim? I think I'll start by mentioning the most valuable aspects of SiFu Henry's tutelage and the unique "Applied" Wing Chun training techniques that actually differ and in my opinion are more superior when compared to the other various Wing Chun styles out there. That in itself is a HUGE advantage if you've decided that Wing Chun is the Martial Arts style for you. For me, personally, my training and experiences here are so much more than the mere listing of generic features and benefits that could so very easily be associated with every other other martial arts school around. That sweeping, non-exclusive message is certainly not the message that I want to convey here, because THIS SCHOOL... HERE...is UNLIKE every other martial arts school around! Here at the Martial Arts Academy, We're a Family. And I want to acknowledge how SiFu Henry becomes personally invested in the personal lives and goals of every student that puts on his uniform and thus becomes a part of HIS Kung Fu Family. That's what I think is important to him. And everyone that studies under SiFu knows, sees and feels this distinction when compared to other schools. And most of us have tried other styles of martial arts before. SiFu Henry is not only an exemplary teacher, but I know for him to be an honorable, respectful, understanding, patient and amazingly enough, a humble man despite all of his achievements. One can easily list SiFu's accomplishments as a world- class martial artist, ALLLLL DAY LOOONNGGG and make note of his world renowned martial art tournament fighting experience, his extensive work as a stunt double including his most recent role as Tony Leung's stunt double in The Grandmaster, his various published articles on Wing Chun in Wing Chun Illustrated, Blitz and other martial arts magazines, and also his recent appointment as Director of the International Applied Wing Chun Federation which strive to promote and preserve late Yip Mans Wing Chun Kung Fu principles, curriculum and training methods. That's just naming a few, but for some people thats all they need to hear and they are sold. It certainly says it all when you see that the whole Wing Chun/ Martial Arts Community recognize and hold his superior skills in such high regard. But Despite all of his impressive accomplishments, I still think that to him, the most important thing is his Kung Fu Family, the work he undertakes here at the school and his students continuous development and advancement in Wing Chun. I Hope this helps at least one person when choosing which martial arts school to go to in the Souh/East of Melbourne.
Kate17-01-2014RatedReport Review5The Best Martial Arts School in Melbourne By FarI wanted to write a review to help people make informed decisions when researching which martial arts schools in Melbourne to go to because everyone wants to learn from the best, to be the best-its really as simple as that... but how does one know who is the best? And if the Master is really as good as he claims to be if the students don't say anything and let it be known? Anyway I don't quite know where to begin but want to obviously mention the most valuable aspects of SiFu Henry's tutelage and unique "Applied" Wing Chun training techniques that actually differ and is more superior when compared to the other various Wing Chun styles out there. For One, thats a HUGE advantage. For me, personally, my training and experiences here are so much more than the mere listing of generic features and benefits that could so very easily be associated with every other other martial arts school around. That sweeping, non-exclusive message is certainly not the message that I want to convey here, because THIS SCHOOL... HERE...is UNLIKE every other martial arts school around! We're a Family. And I want to acknowledge how SiFu Henry becomes personally invested in the personal lives and goals of every student that puts on his uniform and thus becomes a part of HIS Kung Fu Family. That's what I think is important to him. And everyone that studies under SiFu knows, sees and feels his distinction when compared to other Masters. SiFu Henry is not only an exemplary teacher, but I know for him to be an honorable, respectful, understanding, patient and amazingly enough, a humble man despite all of his achievements. One can easily list SiFu's accomplishments as a world- class martial artist, ALLLLL DAY LOOONNGGG and make note of his world renowned martial art tournament fighting experience, his extensive work as a stunt double including his most recent role as Tony Leung's stunt double in The Grandmaster, his various published articles on Wing Chun in Wing Chun Illustrated, Blitz and other martial arts magazines, and also his recent appointment as Director of the International Applied Wing Chun Federation which strive to promote and preserve late Yip Mans Wing Chun Kung Fu principles, curriculum and training methods. That's just naming a few, but for some people thats all they need to hear and they are sold. It certainly says it all when you see that the whole Wing Chun/ Martial Arts Community recognize and hold his superior skills in such high regard. But Despite all of his impressive accomplishments, I still think that to him, the most important thing is his Kung Fu Family, the work he undertakes here at the school and his students continuous development and advancement in Wing Chun. I Hope this helps at least one person when choosing which martial arts school to go to in the Souh/East of Melbourne.
SiFu Henry29-05-2013RatedReport Review5The Ultimate Martial Arts Academy Hallam Melbourne- Proving to be The Ultimate Place to Gain Expert Unparalleled Tutelage in Wing Chun!The amazing thing about SiFu Henry’s tutelage at the Ultimate Martial Arts Academy in Hallam is that despite the fact that every student there is at a different level technically he has the incredible ability to #1 remember where every student is at in his or her training at all times, but can motivate, educate and decipher how everyone learns and retains information psychologically, which ensures that every student is retaining all that they learn in class and thus always advancing in their training. Because he can train everyone individually regarding their preferences and learning styles, SiFu Henry becomes personally invested in the goals of every student and takes it upon himself to push you, encourage you and help you achieve those goals. He helps us understand how to respect our bodies, eat a well-balanced diet and maintain our health and bodies for maximum optimisation and also not to go and eat junk and undo all the hard work we’ve put in. He has taught us the importance of flexibility, dexterity and warming up your body before strenuously working out, learning to listen and apply instruction, learning the importance of repetition, restraint and hard work towards getting a strong foundation instead of getting carried away with eagerly wanting to learn the flashy moves, learning to work with partners and with other students in a team environment, learning the importance of determination , will-power and purpose by training in-between classes to better our techniques but to also propel us to achieving our goals in the long run. We’ve also learnt the importance of obedience, authority and discipline to follow through what you start and not give up when your overwhelmed, dead tired, your body is aching and in pain, or think it’s just too hard. Can you gain all those lessons in your current 40min gym work out? Doubt the treadmill is qualified to teach that much, nor your personal trainer for that instance. If you’re going to pay to get fit, instead of running around the block for free, wouldn’t you want to learn all those important life lessons while learning self-defence martial art or losing weight at the same time? Or more importantly wouldn’t you want your children to learn these life principles whilst learning the importance of fitness and movement instead of sitting in front of the TV, Computer, X-Box, PlayStation, I-pad or whatever other electronic gadget within their reach? Wing Chun is effective for both children and adults alike and for one payment a month, you can go to as many classes as you like during the week, instead of paying for every class separately, so it turns out to be really cost effective too. You don’t have to re-mortgage the house to train here so come and have a look at what classes The Ultimate Martial Arts Academy can offer for young children. It may just be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself!
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- Wing Chun Classes & Lessons
- Wing Chun Coaches & Instructors
- Wing Chun Schools
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