The Outspoken Swan Drama Academy for Drama, Film and Speech
Contact Drama Classes & Lessons for Kids in Karama
Request QuoteBook Drama Classes & Lessons for Kids in Karama
Request BookingBusiness Address: The Stage, Karama Primary School, Livistona Rd, Karama Karama NT 0812
Additional Information
Business contacts Principal, Gillian Rose
Registered child care provider number Yes
Parental supervision Optional
Kids age groups 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, 13-15 years old, 15-18 years old
Cafeteria on site No
Disability and special needs facilities Yes
Costs Per term, Long term contract
Details of these costs Examination Fee (optional), some costuming possibly
Opening & Closing time 3pm - 6pm; or by arrangement
Special Offers
This business has no special offers.
This business has no events.
Laura Codnita11-04-2016RatedReport Review4Enjoying CinderellaLaura Daoay Codnita to The Outspoken Swan Academy of Drama, Film & Communication June 5, 2015 · Darwin · Rasha and Galia with their lovely theater teacher Gillian Rose..Answer from The Outspoken Swan Drama Academy for Drama, Film and Speech on 31-01-2017:Thank you Laura for taking this lovely pic of two of our talented EARLY WINNERS, Rasha and Galia, with me. It is such a pleasure to teach enthusiastic youngsters brimming with ideas and sparkles. This mixed group of Cygnetaries and younger ones certainly produced a unique take on the traditional tale of Cinderella.
Georgina Cotter11-04-2016RatedReport Review5Engaging, humorous and heartwarming!Georgina Cotter March 24 at 3:37pm Thankyou Gillian for an engaging, humorous and totally heartwarming play "a slice of Narnia" that was performed at the Malak Theatre last night. It was wonderful to see the hard work and dedication from yourself and the studentsAnswer from The Outspoken Swan Drama Academy for Drama, Film and Speech on 31-01-2017:It was indeed an astonishing production Georgina, even if I do say so myself. Twelve child actors, 36 costumes, 21 scenes, multi-media, sound and lighting effects and a DUCK straight out of Leunig, the Aussie cartoonist, to weld together of wonderful version of C.S. Lewis' allegorical magical fantasy, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". The students were splendid, so was a sound techie and the audience loved. Great work.
Expert Articles
This business has no expert articles.
Business Categories
This business offers the following services or products:
- Drama Classes & Lessons
- Movie Making
- Public speaking classes & lessons
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