O'Grady Drama
Contact Drama Classes & Lessons for Kids in Freshwater
Request QuoteBook Drama Classes & Lessons for Kids in Freshwater
Request BookingBusiness Address: PO BOX 123 Narrabeen NSW
Additional Information
Business contacts Jess Whitehill
Australian Business Number (ABN) 61156477977
Parental supervision Drop-off
Kids age groups 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, 13-15 years old, 15-18 years old
Disability and special needs facilities Yes
Costs Per term
Details of these costs $185 per term
Opening & Closing time Mon - Fri (4pm-7pm)
Special Offers
This business has no special offers.
Holiday Workshops
Event price: $50+
Price details: Wednesday 15th - $55 Thursday 16th - $66
Age group accepted: 5-8 year olds, 8-10 year olds, 10-12 year olds, 12-15 year olds, 15-18 year olds
Parental Supervision: Drop Off
These holidays we will be running several drama workshops.
Wednesday 15th of April - "Film & Fantasy"
Centred around some of the best known children's films of all time - students will engage in a variety of drama related games & activities resulting in a wonderful play for parents to watch at the end!
Year K - Year 3 (9am - 12pm), Year 4 - Year 6 (1pm - 4pm) $55
Thursday 16th of April - "Taking it to the Next Level"
An informative and practical introduction to the world of professional acting. Monologue preparation & performance, audition techniques, script reading and character development. Limited places.
Year 5 - Year 7 (9am-12pm), Year 8 - Year 12 (1pm-4pm) $66
Please enrol by email or call Jess on 0450 107 367
Wednesday 15th - $55
Thursday 16th - $66
Each workshop is a 3-hr intensive workshop - for more info an enrolment form will be sent out as confirmation.
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Expert Articles
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Business Categories
This business offers the following services or products:
- Drama Classes & Lessons
- Drama Venues
- Performing Arts School Holiday Activities
About Us
At ActiveActivities our mission is to connect parents and carers with providers of activities for kids and make it quick and easy to find, compare and select the best providers based on your needs and location. We are building the most complete online marketplace for kids activities in Australia where providers for events for kids, general activities and school holiday activities can be found and contacted in a few clicks.
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