Police Citizens Youth Clubs for kids (PCYC)
Let your kids enjoy a new activity that will motivate them to participate in community safety! PCYC or Police Citizens Youth Clubs for kids in Australia gives the youth opportunities through recreational and educational programs.
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Cricket Coaching tips for Aussie kids
Cricket coaching in school holidays is a perfect time to ensure cricketing skills don’t become rusty for junior cricketers of all abilities. In fact, the school holidays gives you plenty of time to continue practicing your game so that when the season recommences, you can remain at the top of your game. You just need a plan and some creativity. Here are some coaching strategies junior cricketers can use to stay in form year round!
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Understanding Netball Club Tournaments and Events for Parents
Explore the world of netball club tournaments in Australia, learn their structures, and discover how you, as a parent, can best support and encourage your child through these competitive and fun events.
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The Perfect Age for Kids to Begin Taekwondo
Discover the best age for kids to start Taekwondo, focusing on physical, cognitive readiness, and the benefits of martial arts for young Australians.
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Fun Park for Kids
For enjoyment for all the family, take your kids to a fun park!<br><br>A fun park is a great way to keep the kids entertained during the school holidays!
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Animal Zoos for Kids
For fun, adventure and a chance to learn on the natural world, why not take your kids to an animal zoo? An animal zoo is a collection of animals from all over the world, often including rare or endangered species, gathered in one place for people to observe. Zoos have been around since biblical times and the first zoological garden to open in Australia was in Melbourne in 1862.
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Seven reasons to learn Taekwondo
Taekwondo is more than just a sport, it’s a discipline for success in life. The relationship between student and a master at Wylie Taekwondo is a sacred one, with benefits reach-ing far beyond the four walls of the dojo. Most students will report it can infiltrate every area of your life. Here we have listed 7 key life benefits of choosing practice taekwondo.
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Performing Art School for Kids
Release your child’s inner superstar!<br><br>What a great way for your child to express their creativity and make new friends!
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Discovering Fun at Play Centres for Kids
Facilities and Amenities Evaluate the facilities and amenities offered by the Play Centre. Look for a variety of play equipment, age-appropriate zones, seating arrangements for parents, and amenities like a cafe for refreshments.
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Ymca for Kids
Let your kids develop their potential while helping the community! <br />The YMCA is a worldwide not for profit association dedicated to helping young and disadvantaged people of all ages to maximise their potential and learn new skills.
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Water polo for kids
Swimming pool games add more fun and excitement to your children's summer! Water polo began in England and Scotland, and is now popular in many countries including Australia, it is even an Olympic sport. Looking for fun activities for your children? Water polo for kids is a good idea all year long by taking lessons or just playing between friends during summer!
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How to raise brave kids - that understand FEAR
When confronted by someone or an unusual event we are often surprised by our body's reaction, often interpreted as 'Fear'. At a physiological level our body is dumped with adrenalin which makes our muscles ready to fight or flee from any perceived attack or stressful situation, that is our 'fight' or 'flight' instinct. These two primordial responses are most obvious in children who will run away or lash out when stressed.
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Angling for Kids
Angling - fishing with a hook and line - is a popular Australian pastime, particularly on a sunny afternoon. Since primitive times people have caught fish to eat and this habit has evolved over the years into both a relaxing leisure pursuit and a fiercely competitive sport that appeals to adults and kids alike.
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Golf for Kids
Believe it or not, it's a game that can be played by all ages! Golf is a sport suited both to boys and girls and lessons can start from any age. If your kids can pick up a club, they can learn to take a swing!
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Oztag for kids
Get tagged with OzTag! As a variant of tag rugby, OzTag is a non-contact team game that can be enjoyed by people of all athletic abilities from ages 6 to 60.
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5 reasons not to run away to the circus
Hey kids – don’t run away to the circus, just join your local circus school! Gone are the days when learning to juggle or fly through the air on a trapeze meant leaving your family behind to tour with a circus. These days, most major cities and regional centres offer recreational circus classes as a great way to have fun, get fit and learn amazing new skills.
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