Why your child should join the debating team
Your child may have the opportunity to join the debating team at their school at the start of the year. It’s important to be on top of the benefits of debating, to ensure your child makes an informed decision about joining the debating team.
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Health & Fitness Activities For Kids
Help your kids get in shape and enjoy a healthy lifestyle with health and fitness activities!<br><br> Health & fitness activities have become more popular in Australia in recent years. With a high rate of obesity across the country, and the efforts of government and community organisations to raise awareness of the issue, more and more parents are placing a greater emphasis on exercise and health. Health & fitness activities can help make you and your kids live longer and enjoy life more!
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Oztag for Kids: A Fun and Engaging Sport
Many Oztag clubs participate in local and regional tournaments, offering kids an exciting platform to showcase their skills and compete in a friendly environment.
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Before & After School care for kids
Get additional early learning and care for your little ones! When home care is not enough, there is before and after school care for kids.
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How to Get Your Child To Practice Their Musical Instrument
There is only one thing more magical than watching an expert musician who is lost in their own craft; that is, being that musician. Become one with an instrument produces a sense of flow, enjoyment, confidence and pure bliss. A musician can lose themselves to something greater than them alone. Which is why you are doing your child a massive favour if you know how to make practice both fun and rewarding. Here’s how to best get your child to practice, without the tears.
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Nutrition and Diet Tips for Young Gymnasts: Fueling Future Champions
Offer a balanced snack or meal rich in carbohydrates and some protein to ensure they have enough energy for their training session.
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Diving Centre for Kids
Let your kids immerse themselves in the magical underwater world!<br><br>The abundance of beautiful diving spots and the proximity of the Great Barrier Reef can make scuba diving a great choice for all the family!
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Futsal - the best skills developer
A study has compared Futsal to Football and concluded that Futsal can help kids develop technical skills and transform them into quick decision makers. The study concluded that Futsal players execute passes with a higher intensity as they make 23% more passes per minute that are 18% more accurately than football players. Find out more here.
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Discovering Fun at Play Centres for Kids
Facilities and Amenities Evaluate the facilities and amenities offered by the Play Centre. Look for a variety of play equipment, age-appropriate zones, seating arrangements for parents, and amenities like a cafe for refreshments.
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Indoor Tennis for Kids
Unleash your kid’s potential inner champion! <br><br>No matter what the weather, there’s no excuse not to play!
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Children and Sport: Nurturing Little Champions
From enhancing flexibility to building strength, these classes are a fantastic way to get your child moving. Plus, they learn balance and coordination, crucial skills at this tender age.
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Track cycling for kids
Introduce your children to track cycling! Looking for healthy and affordable activities for kids? Track cycling could be the perfect option!
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Unleashing the Power Within: How Karate Helps Your Child Mentally
The shared journey of learning karate and the support from peers create strong bonds and friendships. This sense of belonging and support network promotes positive mental health, as children feel accepted and valued within the karate community.
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Navigating the Competitive World of Netball Clubs for Kids
Discover how to guide your child through the exciting world of competitive netball, focusing on club participation, coaching importance, and the broader benefits of the sport for kids.
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Hobbies For Kids
Give your kids something to occupy themselves in their spare time!<br><br> Hobbies are anything your child likes to do in their spare time and can be as diverse as arts and crafts, cooking or driving remote control cars. As well as giving kids something to do with their time, hobbies can be educational and a great way to make friends!
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Bike centres for kids
Come and take a leisurely bike ride with your kids! Let your kids take time to exercise their navigation skills at bike centres!
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Outdoor & Adventure Activities For Kids
Experience the great outdoors with outdoor & adventure activities!<br><br> Outdoor & adventure activities are a great way for kids to get fit, learn about nature and have fun at the same time. With so many to choose from, your kids will never get bored!
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