Fairs & Festivals for Kids
Roll up! Roll up! Let your kids enjoy all the fun of the fair!<br><br>Fairs & festivals abound across Australia, from country fairs, to craft fairs to food and film festivals and there’s sure to be fun for all the family!
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Top 10 craziest hole-in-one shots
A hole-in-one is usually a once in a lifetime experience. Whether your playing as part of a fundraising effort, in a competition with friends or a more serious golf tournament (check out this first of its kind hole-in-one competition in New Zealand – for both amateurs and professionals) there could be a 3-par tee that has your name on it… or not.
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Astronomy clubs for kids
Discover how shooting stars work! Do your kids like stargazing? Do you often notice them watching the sky? Perhaps they can join astronomy clubs for kids!
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Chess for Kids
Let your child test their tactical thinking with chess - the ultimate game of strategy!<br><br>Many studies have discovered that playing chess at an early age does increase a child’s mental fortitude, and overall health.
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Beading for kids
Let your kids design and create their own jewellry through beading! Beading offers colorful projects that your kids can enjoy that will also make way for their creative sides to shine.
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Play Parks for your Kids
Try to get your kids to a play park each month, and let them be socially active! Fun, friends, running, playing... Play parks are the best place for your kids to freely express themselves.
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Artistic Storytime: Inspiring Childrens Imagination Through Visual Tales
Drawing and painting are more than just colors on paper – they're gateways to your child's imagination. By providing them with the tools and the freedom to express themselves, you're nurturing their creativity, boosting their confidence, and creating memories that'll last a lifetime.
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AFL Skills and Coaching Tips
We thought it would be super helpful to parents of kids (aged 6-13 years) if we provided you will access to four different AFL games and activities that you can use with your kids any time of the AFL season. This will help you to support their desire to continually develop their AFL skills and AFL game sense. This article teaches awkward marking, contest marking, accuracy competition and triangle kicking.
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Gymkhana Clubs for kids
Let Your Kids Learn The Ropes of Gymkhana! Gymkhana is a sport for kids and adults which involves obstacles, races, and relays. It is a fun sport which may be played individually or by teams. It is a stepping stone for kids to get comfortable in riding their ponies, and develop their riding skills for a future in Rodeo!
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The Great Aussie Birthday Bash in Nature
From mobile farms and animals to kids' sports parties, there's something for every child's interest. So, go ahead, embrace the beauty of the great outdoors, and give your little one a birthday party they'll never forget!
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Ice Skating for Kids
Carefree kids will love gliding on ice!<br /><br />Ice skating is among the popular winter sports for kids, together with skiing and snowboarding. With ice skating, they get to have more opportunities to enjoy the cold.
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Squash for Kids
Give your kids a workout with this fast-paced sport!<br><br>Squash is a fast growing sport in Australia and your kids can get in on the action!
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Circus for Kids
Be dazzled and thrilled by a breathtaking circus performance!<br><br>There is sure to be plenty of fun for the whole family!
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Science Clubs For Kids
Your child can learn about the fascinating world around them with science clubs!<br><br> Science clubs are a fun and enjoyable way for kids to learn about science through hands on experience. Whether run by large organisations such as the CSIRO or smaller after school groups, science clubs can be fabulous for any child who has an enquiring mind and is eager to learn!
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Boys Brigade For Kids
Boys Brigade History - The Boys Brigade is a Christian youth organisation founded in 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith. It was founded on two pillars of Religion and Discipline and is set up to develop Christian manliness by using semi-military discipline, gymnastics, summer camps, and religious services. The first Boys Brigade in Australia was formed in Melbourne in 1890.
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Snow Sports For Kids
Prevent boredom by giving your kids more activities to choose from. Introduce them to snow sports!<br><br>Health specialists recommend that kids should have an hour of exercise daily. But during the winter, kids tend to prefer to just stay inside the house where it?s warm and comfortable. But who says they can?t be active and have fun outdoors during the cold weather? Studies show that kids who spend more time outdoors are least likely to feel stressed. Add some excitement to their winter!
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4 tips to staying healthy and fit over the Christmas holidays
Here are the top four tips to staying healthy over the Christmas holiday. 4. Stay Active - There are things to do over Christmas that don’t just involve a couch and a glass of wine. Try to stay as active as possible. Even play with your kids and their new toys as that is a low intensity exercises that burns fat. What’s not to enjoy about that?
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