Golf for Kids
Believe it or not, it's a game that can be played by all ages! Golf is a sport suited both to boys and girls and lessons can start from any age. If your kids can pick up a club, they can learn to take a swing!
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Diving Centre for Kids
Let your kids immerse themselves in the magical underwater world!<br><br>The abundance of beautiful diving spots and the proximity of the Great Barrier Reef can make scuba diving a great choice for all the family!
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10 Fun Soccer Games for Kids to Play at Home
10 engaging soccer games for kids to play at home, perfect for nurturing their love for sports, teamwork, and physical activity. From obstacle courses to mini matches, these games are ideal for fun and skill-building.
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Libraries for Kids
Help your kids awaken to a whole new world of wonder through reading!<br><br>Give your kids a chance to explore wholecompletely new worlds through reading!
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Racquet Sports for Kids
Hone your kids’ hand-eye co-ordination with racquet sports!<br><br>Racquet sports are fun and a great way for kids to get fit and make friends!
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Indoor Soccer (Futsal) For Kids
The most popular sport today: soccer! Get your kids to try it indoors!<br><br>Indoor soccer, also known as futsal, is simpler version of the regular soccer. The same rules apply but it is played on a smaller indoor field, almost the size of a basketball court, and played with a smaller and heavier ball (for it to bounce less). Indoor soccer was introduced in Australia in 1971. Now there are 18,000 registered indoor soccer players and 120,000 social participants in competitions nationwide.<br><br>
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Team Sports For Kids
Who doesn't enjoying playing with friends? Introduce your kids to team sports!<br><br>A sport is a way to keep kids and adults active, fit, and healthy. Nowadays, people lack exercise because they sometimes think that staying inside and playing video games or watching TV is more fun. Studies show that only 1 out of 4 kids participate in physical activities like sports. Sports make exercise an enjoyable and social event. There are two types of sports: individual sports and team sports. Team sports are the most ideal sports for kids because they involve players working together as a team (with 2 or more members) to reach their objective, which is to win. As the saying goes, the more the merrier.
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Tips for kids playing basketball
Basketball isn't just a great team sport to play - it's a skill that needs to be learned and practiced in order to continue improving. There are four areas where kids can focus to really start to improve their basketball skills and this article outlines all of them.
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The Top 8 Benefits of Gymnastics for Kids
Gymnastics provides a healthy outlet for stress reduction. The physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, helping children relax and feel happier. It's a great way for them to unwind after a long day at school.
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Wing Chun for kids
Encourage your children to try Wing Chun for kids. They might be the next Bruce Lee! Wing Chun, practised in over 64 countries (including Australia) is the world's most popular form of southern kung fu. Your children can learn this great activity for kids from a young age!
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Bike centres for kids
Come and take a leisurely bike ride with your kids! Let your kids take time to exercise their navigation skills at bike centres!
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Piano for your Kids
Get your kids to start this amazing art. They will learn one of the greatest instrument, and will at one stage be able to choose between the many variations it offers: jazz, classical, digital...
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Rising Up the Ranks: Karate Belts
Encourage your child to embrace each belt, learn from it, and aim for the next one with determination and enthusiasm. Your support and involvement in their Karate journey will be invaluable, fostering a love for martial arts and instilling life skills that will benefit them for years to come.
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Art Galleries For Kids In Melbourne
Introduce your kids to the great artists of Australia!<br><br>Referred to as the Cultural Capital of Australia, Melbourne is Australia's centre of excellence for the arts.
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Kung Fu for Kids
Teach your kids self respect and confidence by taking them to Kung Fu!<br><br> Kung Fu can develop kids’ self confidence and teamwork and may help prevent bullying at school. <br>Your kid could be the next Bruce Lee!
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Play Centers for Toddlers and Preschoolers
As kids interact in play centers, they develop their language and communication skills. They learn new words, understand how to use language in social contexts, and improve their listening skills
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Nippers Club for Kids
Your kids can learn valuable lifesaving skills while having fun!<br><br>Designed to teach kids the basics of lifesaving and water safety, it is also a great way for kids to make friends!
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