Cello for Kids
Are your kids looking for a musical experience that will really challenge them?<br><br>A member of the violin family, the cello’s distinctive sound makes it a very rewarding instrument to play!
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Astronomy clubs for kids
Discover how shooting stars work! Do your kids like stargazing? Do you often notice them watching the sky? Perhaps they can join astronomy clubs for kids!
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Is my child old enough to start violin?
Somewhere between four and eight years is the best time to begin a violin journey. That’s a wide range, and your child will fit in based upon a number of factors such as the child’s maturity, motor control, available family time and most of all: your level of patience as a parent. This test will help you determine if now is the right time.
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What's the Perfect Kick-Start Sport for Kids? Exploring Swimming and Soccer Classes in Australia
Both swimming and soccer offer unique benefits that can set your child up for a lifetime of health and happiness.
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Art Classes for Kids
Art classes teach kids to concentrate on the task at hand, paying attention to details and dedicating time to complete their projects. This ability to focus is valuable not only in art but also in their academic pursuits and future careers.
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Entertainment Options for Kids Parties: Magicians, Clowns, and More!
Whether it's a traditional fairy tale or an original adventure, puppet shows have the power to teach valuable lessons while keeping children entertained. Interactive puppet performances can even encourage audience participation, making the experience even more immersive and enjoyable.
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Face Painting for Kids
Have you ever organised a face painting party? Either hire a face painter or do it yourself, you can check out all tips and information on how to make this party successful!
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Outdoor & Adventure Activities For Kids
Experience the great outdoors with outdoor & adventure activities!<br><br> Outdoor & adventure activities are a great way for kids to get fit, learn about nature and have fun at the same time. With so many to choose from, your kids will never get bored!
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Gymkhana for kids
Encourage your little horse riders to join gymkhana events! If your kids are into equestrian, then they most likely want to try gymkhana, which is an equestrian event focused on speed pattern racing and timed games.
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Drama and Emotional Intelligence: How Acting Helps Kids Understand Emotions
Acting classes empower kids with emotional intelligence. Explore the benefits today!
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Violins for Kids
Do your kids have an interest in music? They might enjoy learning the violin. A violin, sometimes referred to as a fiddle, is a wooden instrument which is played by moving a bow across four strings. The violin is believed to originate in Europe in the 19th century and has since become popular worldwide. It is the smallest of the string instruments and has a higher pitched sound than other instruments in its family, including the cello and the viola.
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How yoga can help kids with Asthma
Spring is the season that asthma and allergies suffers dread the most due to triggers such as poor air quality and high pollen count. An exciting new study from the Chinese University in Hong Kong found that regular yoga practice had a positive impact on the quality of life of asthma suffers. Kid’s yoga and mindfulness can help as a complementary therapy and an alternative to standard breathing exercises. Read about the best exercises your child can do here.
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5 benefits children may gain from learning Taekwon-Do
Taekwon-Do is primarily the Korean art of self defence. It is also a lot more than just learning kicks, punches, blocks and dodges. It can help to improve a person's physical strength, mental concentration and self confidence just to name a few. This article outlines five key benefits children can access by practising Taekwon-Do.
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Sailing For Kids In Sydney
Your child can enjoy Sydney harbour at its most spectacular by going sailing in Sydney!<br><br> Sailing is a popular sport throughout Australia. With such a beautiful location and so many great spots, sailing in Sydney is an enjoyable recreational pastime and a competitive sport. Let your kids take to the open water and enjoy the views!
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Health & Fitness Activities For Kids
Help your kids get in shape and enjoy a healthy lifestyle with health and fitness activities!<br><br> Health & fitness activities have become more popular in Australia in recent years. With a high rate of obesity across the country, and the efforts of government and community organisations to raise awareness of the issue, more and more parents are placing a greater emphasis on exercise and health. Health & fitness activities can help make you and your kids live longer and enjoy life more!
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Ten pin bowling for kids
Start playing ten pin bowling with your kids today! Have your next family bonding with activities for kids at the nearest bowling alley.
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Pre School Dance For Kids
Get your kids to start preschool dance!<br><br>Develop your kid’s potential in dancing while they are young. Young kids learn easily especially when they participate in hands-on kids activities like creative dance games where they can have fun while learning. Encourage your kids to dance to the tune of the songs they love!
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