Dance Parties for Kids
Make your kids' party go with a swing by getting your guests up and dancing!
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Beach Volley For Kids In Sydney
Get fit while having fun in the sun!<br><br>Beach volley is one of the most popular beach sports and recreational activities for kids, as well as for teens and adults.
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What is the best age to learn public speaking?
Whether your child is just starting to string sentences together or is navigating the complexities of adolescence, now is the perfect time to encourage them to raise their voice and share their thoughts with the world
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It's just creative writing – right?
Do you have a child who struggles at school? Is not motivated? Simply hates it! The very last thing you’d consider is more learning – right. But perhaps if you spin that all around, you could arrive at a different point. A new starting point. Where your child can do something important, like learn how to use their imagination, and they might feel a little differently about things.
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Wing Chun for kids
Encourage your children to try Wing Chun for kids. They might be the next Bruce Lee! Wing Chun, practised in over 64 countries (including Australia) is the world's most popular form of southern kung fu. Your children can learn this great activity for kids from a young age!
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Birthday catering for kids
Delicious party food is the key to a successful kids’ party! You can never deny that other than the fun activities for kids, children look forward to yummy food during birthday parties. Have fun with all these birthday catering tips!
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Girls Brigade For Kids
Young ones can make influential contributions to the community and the world!<br><br>The Girls Brigade is an international Christian youth organisation that started in Dublin, Ireland in 1893. It was founded on two pillars: the Bible class and physical training. Now The Girls Brigade operates in more than 60 countries, including Australia. The first International Conference was held in Australia in 1998, and is held every four years.
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Self defence: A lesson in safer living
Self Defence is much less about one's ability to fight and more about knowledge of one's self and environment. We are born with a natural instinct for survival and self preservation but in our modern 'civilised' society much of this instinct has been conditioned out of us, particularly in women. This article
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Starting Tennis Classes for Children
Explore how to introduce your child to tennis, covering the right age to start, selecting the best classes, and the impact of skilled coaches, all while ensuring a fun and rewarding experience.
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What is the Difference Between The Boys' Brigade and Similar Youth Organizations?
Discover what sets The Boys' Brigade apart from Scouts and Cadets, and find the best fit for your child’s interests and development.
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Baseball for Kids
If your kids are team sports players who are looking for something new, they might like to try baseball. Baseball can be a fabulous activity for kids with energy to burn. It's a relatively simple game, played with a bat and a ball between two opposing teams. Teams take turns to hit the ball and try to run around a diamond shaped course before the ball is caught and returned by the opposing team. The team with the most 'runs' at the end wins the game.
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Backyard Cricket and Beach Cricket
Looking for something to do on a sunny afternoon? <br>Backyard or beach cricket is a great way to spend an afternoon with family and friends!
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Why You Should Consider Gymnastics Camp for Your Kids These School Holidays
Enrolling your child in a Gymnastics Camp during the school holidays can also benefit their regular gymnastics classes. They'll have a chance to reinforce what they've learned, develop new skills, and gain a competitive edge when they return to Gymnastics Centres after the break.
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What makes Judo so unique?
The first thing you learn in practically all Asian Martial Arts is how to bow - something that is foreign to most other activities in western life. Why is this important? Read this article to find out!
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Artistic Storytime: Inspiring Childrens Imagination Through Visual Tales
Drawing and painting are more than just colors on paper – they're gateways to your child's imagination. By providing them with the tools and the freedom to express themselves, you're nurturing their creativity, boosting their confidence, and creating memories that'll last a lifetime.
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Theme Parks for Kids
These parks are a great activity idea to enjoy a great week end in family. Find the one that suits your kids and have a lot of fun! Adventure, water or movie based, you can find one that suits all tastes!
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Everything You Need to Know About Martial Arts Before Signing Your Kids Up
Enrolling your child in a Martial Arts Academy can be a wonderful decision for their physical, mental, and emotional growth.
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