Sailing For Kids In Sydney
Your child can enjoy Sydney harbour at its most spectacular by going sailing in Sydney!<br><br> Sailing is a popular sport throughout Australia. With such a beautiful location and so many great spots, sailing in Sydney is an enjoyable recreational pastime and a competitive sport. Let your kids take to the open water and enjoy the views!
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Cadets For Kids
Is your kid a budding leader? Then he might be interested in becoming a youth cadet!<br><br>A cadet is a trainee to become a volunteer military officer. Cadet trainees learn about military life, physical and mental skills, drills and ceremonies, and proper military etiquette. Cadet training does not require trainees to pursue a military career; but it provides them with skills to become efficient leaders and better citizens.
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Surfing For Kids In The Gold Coast Region
Encourage your kids to bring out their surfboards and brave the waves!<br><br>Gold Coast, Queensland is known as a major tourist destination in Australia.
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Science Centre Activities for Kids
Bring out the Einstein in your kids by making it fun to learn on science!
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Puppeteers for Kids
If your kids enjoy play acting, they may love being a puppeteer!<br><br>Encourage their imagination by letting them play puppeteer in their own puppet theatre!
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Theme Parks for Kids
These parks are a great activity idea to enjoy a great week end in family. Find the one that suits your kids and have a lot of fun! Adventure, water or movie based, you can find one that suits all tastes!
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Touch Rugby for your Kids
A low risk way to play rugby for boys and girls!<br>Touch rugby, also known as touch football is a form of rugby that has been around since the 1950s.
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Planning and Hosting Memorable Birthday Parties at Indoor Play Centers in Australia
Create unforgettable kids' parties at Indoor Play Centers.
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Tips to encourage your child to practice playing a musical instrument
It never ceases to amaze me how much difficulty some parents find in encouraging their child to practice playing a musical instrument. Very few younger aged students will practice of their own volition. Not many five year old kids will say to their parents “Now please excuse me, I am about to head into my room to practice the piano for the next hour or two”. However, we have found that the more actively parents are involved, the more the child will feel there is a reason to practice.
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How to Find the Perfect Gymnastics Coach for Your Kids
Kids have different learning styles, and so do coaches. Some children thrive with a tough-love approach, while others need a more nurturing environment.
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Early Learning For Kids
Know the importance of early learning to your kids!<br><br>Early learning begins even before a child is born. Science has proven kids hear and recognize their mother's voice while they are still inside her womb. Kids are active learners and are naturally curious – they tend to learn better on their own and don't need to be taught in order to learn. Everything that they encounter is a kids learning experience, even those outside of school.
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Soccer for Kids
A great team and tactic sports! Soccer, or European Football, is a great way for your kids to get fun with friends or family in a park, or can be played professionally in a club. Competition or just fun, whatever the case, your kids will love it.
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Cycling Coaches & Instructors for kids
Get your kids to train under experienced cycling coaches and instructors! Having his or her own instructor can provide more comprehensive training for your kids. They can also help your kids join races and other cycling competitions.
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Board Sports For Kids
Encourage your kids to go outside and play!<br><br>Staying inside the house the whole day and just playing video games, watching TV, and other similar kids activities are bad for their health. Keep them healthy and active with board sports!
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Interactive and Fun Fitness Activities for Kids
Mini Golf – a fantastic way to introduce your children to the world of golf in a fun, engaging, and less formal setting. It's not just about putting the ball; it's about the laughter, the strategy, and the friendly competition
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Team Sports For Kids
Who doesn't enjoying playing with friends? Introduce your kids to team sports!<br><br>A sport is a way to keep kids and adults active, fit, and healthy. Nowadays, people lack exercise because they sometimes think that staying inside and playing video games or watching TV is more fun. Studies show that only 1 out of 4 kids participate in physical activities like sports. Sports make exercise an enjoyable and social event. There are two types of sports: individual sports and team sports. Team sports are the most ideal sports for kids because they involve players working together as a team (with 2 or more members) to reach their objective, which is to win. As the saying goes, the more the merrier.
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Wildlife Parks For Kids In SA
Get up close and personal with the animals in the wildlife parks in SA!<br><br>South Australia has the most diverse areas among the states and territories of Australia, from its coastal towns to its arid deserts.
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