Motocross for kids
Let your kids experience extreme outdoor fun! Give your child the exhilarating experience of an off-road motocross ride today and watch them drive like the big guys!
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Fundamental Soccer Techniques for Kids
Discover how to introduce your child to soccer in Australia: from choosing the right classes and coaches to mastering dribbling, passing, and scoring while ensuring fun and safety.
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Board Sports For Kids In The Perth Region
Playing board sports in The Perth region provides the ultimate holiday experience!<br><br>Board sports are often considered extreme sports, making them more appealing to kids as they are naturally adventurous.
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Scouts for Kids
Are you in search of kids' activities that may promote your child's mental, social and physical development? How on the Scouts? The Boy Scouts is an organization founded in England in 1907 to teach boys survival skills and values including service to others, teamwork and comradeship. The first Australian Boy Scout camp was started in 1908 and now Scouts Australia is a national movement and community institution, which provides a wide range of camps and activities for children of all ages. National 'jamborees' are help periodically and scouts from all over Australia attend.
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Rollerblading for kids
Make rollerblading a regular family activity! Rollerblading, also called inline skating, has the same speed and fluidity of ice skating. The sport is considered today as one of the most fun activities for kids around the world, including Australia. Why don’t you and your children give rollerblading a try?
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Why Kids in Australia Love Martial Arts Fitness
Participating in martial arts often involves group activities, encouraging social interaction among children. Kids make new friends, share experiences, and learn the importance of teamwork and cooperation. This social aspect enhances their interpersonal skills and helps them grow into well-rounded individuals.
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Badminton for Kids
Badminton - a growing sport that can be played in the backyard or competitively on the court!<br>Great for fitness and fun and one of the activities for kids that can be enjoyed in the backyard during school holidays and weekends!
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Catering and cakes
Have your kids ever come home and told you about an amazing cake they saw at their friend's birthday party? Maybe it's their turn to have that show-and-tell-worthy cake this time! Get the best catering and cakes services on board for your party today!
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Adventure activities for kids
Adventure activities helps make kids imaginative and energetic! Engaging children in adventure games, be it outdoors or indoors, will ensure that your kids are having fun while participating in lively activities!
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How to help your kid find their balance in life
There are many ways in which we try to balance our busy lives, and keeping a balance between our physical, mental and spiritual selves is an important start to maintaining overall balance in life. This quick tip will help your kid to find more balance in their life.
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Jewellery Making Activities for Kids
If your kids like to be creative, they will love making their own jewellery!
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National Parks for Kids
Looking for an adventure in the great outdoors? Head to your local national park! A national park is a government protected reserve designed to help preserve Australian wildlife or plants. These are usually open to the public and may offer a number of family activities including camping, hiking, boating and swimming.
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Cello for Kids
Are your kids looking for a musical experience that will really challenge them?<br><br>A member of the violin family, the cello’s distinctive sound makes it a very rewarding instrument to play!
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Yoga for Kids
Calm your kids down with a session of soothing yoga!<br><br>It is also a great way to get fit and improve your kids’ posture!
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10 Fun Facts About Go-Karting
Explore 10 exciting Go-Karting facts, perfect for family adventures in Australia. Safety, skills, and more!
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Acting associations
Fuel your kids dreams to be the next stars! If your kids have interesting and endearing personalities and love to interact with people, they would love to learn the art of acting.
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Touch Rugby for your Kids
A low risk way to play rugby for boys and girls!<br>Touch rugby, also known as touch football is a form of rugby that has been around since the 1950s.
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