At what age should my child start learning a musical instrument
As a Kindermusik Educator, this has to be one of the most common question I get asked from parents, especially when their child reaches pre-school and Kindy age. While there are always exceptions, in general, my suggestion to parents is to wait until their child is at least 5 or 6 years old. There are many compelling reasons for this - I've outlined some below - milestones by which most 5 or 6-year olds have or are beginning to achieve.
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The importance of poetry in your child's life
World Poetry Day was hosted globally on Tuesday, 21 March and it’s a good opportunity to talk about the important role poetry plays in child development.
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Art centre for kids
Enrich your children's artistic talents through your local art centre! An art centre offers various art workshops and drawing classes for children in Australia.
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Water Play Parks for Kids
Are you looking for a way to keep your kids cool during the sweltering Australian summer? A water play park could be the answer. A water play park offers a number of attractions, games and rides all based around water including fountains, slides and pools. They range in size from a couple of water slides beside your local swimming pool to huge theme park style complexes and are one of the most popular Aussie kids' activities during the summer months.
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Hobbies For Kids
Give your kids something to occupy themselves in their spare time!<br><br> Hobbies are anything your child likes to do in their spare time and can be as diverse as arts and crafts, cooking or driving remote control cars. As well as giving kids something to do with their time, hobbies can be educational and a great way to make friends!
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Finding the Right Beat: How to Choose the Perfect Dance Class for Your Child
Discover how to choose the perfect dance class for your child, focusing on their interests, the quality of dance schools, and creating a supportive, enriching environment for young dancers to thrive.
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Choosing the Right Basketball Club for Your Child: Tips for Parents
Every club has its own unique culture and values. Some emphasize competition, while others focus on fostering a love for the game and personal growth. It's important to align your child's goals and values with those of the club.
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Sports Extravaganza: Planning Sports-Themed Birthday Parties for Kids
Make sure to check out the facilities, accessibility, and amenities provided by the venue. Also, consider the age group of the children attending the party and ensure the venue is suitable for their safety and enjoyment.
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Casting agencies for kids
Get your young actors and models the right representatives! Do your kids like performing or modelling? Do they dream of becoming a star? Casting agencies for kids can help you manage their future!
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Rope Skipping for kids
Encourage your kids to get into jump rope! Jump rope or skipping rope for kids is a simple, yet effective way to get your children into aerobics
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Baseball for Kids
If your kids are team sports players who are looking for something new, they might like to try baseball. Baseball can be a fabulous activity for kids with energy to burn. It's a relatively simple game, played with a bat and a ball between two opposing teams. Teams take turns to hit the ball and try to run around a diamond shaped course before the ball is caught and returned by the opposing team. The team with the most 'runs' at the end wins the game.
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Guide to Kids Party Hire Services
Discover essential tips for organizing unforgettable kids parties in Australia, including entertainment, venue choices, and catering options. Ideal for parents planning a special celebration.
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The Perfect Age for Kids to Begin Taekwondo
Discover the best age for kids to start Taekwondo, focusing on physical, cognitive readiness, and the benefits of martial arts for young Australians.
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Touch Rugby for your Kids
A low risk way to play rugby for boys and girls!<br>Touch rugby, also known as touch football is a form of rugby that has been around since the 1950s.
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Themed Birthday Parties: A Guide to Creating an Enchanting World for Your Child
Adapt classic party games like musical chairs or pin the tail on the donkey to fit your theme. For example, it could be "Save the Princess" or "Rescue the Stolen Treasure."
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Just breathe – 3 calming techniques for you and your child
Teaching our kids conscious breathing can help them learn to regulate their emotions. It can be the difference that stops a full-scale meltdown in the middle of the supermarket, for both you and your child. Here are a few techniques that can be done anywhere, at any time.
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Gymkhana for kids
Encourage your little horse riders to join gymkhana events! If your kids are into equestrian, then they most likely want to try gymkhana, which is an equestrian event focused on speed pattern racing and timed games.
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