Why your child should join the debating team
Your child may have the opportunity to join the debating team at their school at the start of the year. It’s important to be on top of the benefits of debating, to ensure your child makes an informed decision about joining the debating team.
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Track cycling for kids
Introduce your children to track cycling! Looking for healthy and affordable activities for kids? Track cycling could be the perfect option!
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Ball Sports For Kids
Are your kids sporty? Introduce them to ball sports!<br><br>Sports are important to keep your kids active and physically fit. That?s why schools have physical education classes where kids are required to participate in different sports. The most popular sports among them are ball sports.
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Girls Brigade For Kids
Young ones can make influential contributions to the community and the world!<br><br>The Girls Brigade is an international Christian youth organisation that started in Dublin, Ireland in 1893. It was founded on two pillars: the Bible class and physical training. Now The Girls Brigade operates in more than 60 countries, including Australia. The first International Conference was held in Australia in 1998, and is held every four years.
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Birthday Parties and Party Activities for Kids
Looking for a unique and unusual way to celebrate your little one's big day?
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Aikido classes and lessons
Fighting isnt always bad, let your kids defend themselves through Aikido classes and lessons! Aikido is a martial arts that is easier to grasp than most martial arts. It is a non-violent martial arts brought to Australia in 1965. Aikido is the martial arts for your kids!
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Benefits of Karate Classes & Lessons for Kids
Karate classes offer a holistic approach to children's development by nurturing physical fitness, mental focus, emotional well-being, and essential life skills.
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What Age Should Your Child Start Swimming? Tips for Parents
Once kids hit the school-age range (6 to 8 years old), they've got the physical and mental capabilities to grasp more advanced swimming techniques.
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Painting For Kids
Creative kids will love messing about with paints and making their own artwork!<br><br>Fun, creative and budget friendly, painting is something kids can enjoy no matter what their age or level of skill!
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What's the Right Age to Start Music Lessons?
Wondering when to start music lessons for your child? This article explores the ideal ages for kids to begin learning instruments like the piano, guitar, and violin, considering their developmental stages and personal interests. From early exposure to structured lessons, we guide you through the musical journey of children, emphasizing that the right age differs for each child. Let's dive into the world of music and find what works best for your little one!
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Trombone for Kids
Enjoy the distinctive sound of this popular brass instrument!<br><br>The trombone’s rich, mellow tone makes it popular in jazz and classical music alike!
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Judo for Kids
Judo could be perfect for kids who love to wrestle!<br>It will be of interest for parents who are looking for well rounded kids? activities!
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Pre School Dance For Kids
Get your kids to start preschool dance!<br><br>Develop your kid’s potential in dancing while they are young. Young kids learn easily especially when they participate in hands-on kids activities like creative dance games where they can have fun while learning. Encourage your kids to dance to the tune of the songs they love!
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Strong and Resilient: Empowering Girls through Karate
As parents and caregivers, choosing Karate as an avenue for your child’s growth can be a profound and empowering decision, setting them on a path of strength and determination.
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Why Do Kids Want to Learn Karate? A Parent's Guide to Karate Classes & Lessons
Enrolling your child in karate classes can become a fantastic bonding experience. You can even consider joining in on the fun yourself – who knows, you might discover a new passion!
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Circus Schools for Kids
Give your kids a taste of the spectacular by sending them to a circus school!<br><br>What a terrific way for your children to learn new skills to impress their friends!
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Indoor Sports for Kids
Champions in the making!<br><br>And your kids don’t have to miss out when the weather is bad!
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