Aikido for Kids
For a positive, life enhancing experience, why not take your kids to Aikido?<br>If your kids need to learn to relax, Aikido might be for them!
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Cheerleading… Is There Really a Position for Everyone?
Cheerleading is a sport that celebrates diversity, encourages personal growth, and builds a strong sense of community. For any parent or caregiver considering cheerleading for their child, know that this dynamic and inclusive sport could very well be the perfect fit, offering not just a position on the team but a journey of self-discovery and lifelong friendships
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How to Find the Perfect Gymnastics Coach for Your Kids
Kids have different learning styles, and so do coaches. Some children thrive with a tough-love approach, while others need a more nurturing environment.
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Tai Chi for kids
Get to know the martial art that is for both self-defence and for health and fitness! . It is important that parents get their children engaged to activities for kids that will not only benefit their physical health, but also their mental wellbeing. Tai Chi for kids can give your toddlers the health and fitness benefits they need!
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Kindy zoos for kids
Kids will go wild for these Kindy Zoos! Kindy Zoos are zoos where animals are typically smaller and easier to handle so that kindergarteners can have the most fun. Examples of kindy zoos include mobile farms and petting zoos. Pet a tiger cub or a kangaroo today!
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Ball Sports For Kids
Are your kids sporty? Introduce them to ball sports!<br><br>Sports are important to keep your kids active and physically fit. That?s why schools have physical education classes where kids are required to participate in different sports. The most popular sports among them are ball sports.
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Windsurfing For Kids In Perth
Glide across the waves powered by nothing but the wind!<br><br> Windsurfing is a water sport where surfers ride on a board with a sail. While very common throughout Australia, windsurfing in Perth is particularly popular, perhaps due to a fantastic selection of beaches, the fabulous Swan River and an excellent number of great windsurfing spots!
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Sports parties for kids
Celebrate your kid’s next birthday with sports parties! Let them sweat it out with other kids while celebrating.
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Picking the perfect dance school using your 5 senses
Remember that moment when your son or daughter looked up at you with big puppy dog eyes and said "I want to start dancing"? It has been at the forefront of their imagination and nag-ation (that's not really a word but it means constant nagging) and now you're convinced that it's what they really want to do. This article addresses how your five senses can assist in choosing the best dance school for them.
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Dive In Early: The Benefits of Toddler Swimming Lessons
Early swimming lessons for toddlers in Australia offer a sea of benefits, from safety and confidence to physical and cognitive development.
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Mini Golf for Kids
Mini Golf is the utmost "family" activity... Play safely with kids of any age, outdoor or in the dark, and enjoy a wonderful moment altogether.
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Birthday Cakes for Kids
Dazzle your child at their next birthday with a spectacular birthday cake!<br><br>With so many designs and themes available, why not branch out this year and try something a bit special?
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Dance & karaoke for kids
Let the inner star of your child shine out through dance and karaoke! Dance & karaoke are the top choice for throwing a celebration because energetic kids in Australia love to play fun-filled activities especially when dancing and singing are involved. With the latest hits who would not want to sing and dance to the music?
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Beading - is it just fun or a learning opportunity?
While engaging in this fun activity children are also learning or further developing a number of important skills including design, hand eye co-ordination, patterning and more. This article explains each of the skills your child could learn through beading in more detail.
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Interactive and Fun Fitness Activities for Kids
Mini Golf – a fantastic way to introduce your children to the world of golf in a fun, engaging, and less formal setting. It's not just about putting the ball; it's about the laughter, the strategy, and the friendly competition
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10 Things Your Child's Gymnastics Coach Wants You to Know
There might be days when your child nails a new skill effortlessly and others when they struggle with something they've done before. It's all part of the learning process.
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Ballet Dancing for Kids
A very graceful and academic art that your child will love to perform. They can start learning from any age and will learn discipline and elegance among may other benefits this classical art provides.
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