Guitar schools for kids
Unleash your child's inner Jimi Hendrix! Many scientific research have highlighted the benefits of learning a musical instrument from a young age, listing creativity, discipline and patience as areas that will stay with a child through to adulthood.
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Gymkhana for kids
Encourage your little horse riders to join gymkhana events! If your kids are into equestrian, then they most likely want to try gymkhana, which is an equestrian event focused on speed pattern racing and timed games.
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The Benefits of Joining a Youth Basketball Club: Why Kids Should Get Involved
Being part of a club helps kids understand the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. This is a lesson that can be applied to their academic pursuits, personal goals, and future careers.
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How to dress your children for exercise in winter
It seems really obvious right – put on a jumper! But knowing how to dress properly in winter is a bit of an art and can make a difference to children when participating in physical activities. This article includes three essential points that will help you to dress your child for physical activity in winter:
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How to Make a Kids Party Special: Tips for Parents
Whether you opt for a backyard BBQ, a beachside picnic, or a wild adventure at a theme park, your little tacker is bound to have a blast. So, let's get cracking and make your next kids' party special!
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Seven reasons to learn Taekwondo
Taekwondo is more than just a sport, it’s a discipline for success in life. The relationship between student and a master at Wylie Taekwondo is a sacred one, with benefits reach-ing far beyond the four walls of the dojo. Most students will report it can infiltrate every area of your life. Here we have listed 7 key life benefits of choosing practice taekwondo.
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What's the Perfect Kick-Start Sport for Kids? Exploring Swimming and Soccer Classes in Australia
Both swimming and soccer offer unique benefits that can set your child up for a lifetime of health and happiness.
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The Benefits of Gymnastics for Kids: Enhancing Physical and Cognitive Development
Gymnastics offers a holistic approach to the development of children, combining physical fitness with cognitive growth and essential life skills. From building strong physical foundations to nurturing cognitive abilities, enhancing confidence, and fostering social interactions, gymnastics has a far-reaching positive impact on kids' lives.
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Karate for your Kids
Looking for activities for kids that exercise mind, body and spirit? Why not try karate!<br>With its emphasis on self improvement and non aggression, it is a great activity for kids and adults alike!
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Musical Instruments For Kids
Enhance your kid’s passion for the arts and music! Encourage them to play musical instruments!<br><br>Give your kids the gift of music as early possible. They can start by listening to their favourite songs and they can also sing along with it. They can then learn to play musical instruments. Attending music lessons helps cultivate many skills that they can apply in every aspect of their lives.
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Modern Dance for Kids
Do your kids like to dance? If they enjoy movement but find traditional ballet too restrictive, they might enjoy modern dance instead. Sometimes known as contemporary dance, it originated in the early 20th century and has increased in popularity ever since. Modern dance has been performed on Australian stages since the 1960s and encompasses a wide range of styles and techniques.
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Modelling for kids
Bring out the star in your child! Do your kids love posing for the camera, or perhaps watching themselves on home videos? Then might be interested to get into modelling!
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What do the Boys Brigade do?
Being part of the Boys Brigade is not just about adventure and skills; it's also about building lasting friendships.
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What is the Difference Between The Boys' Brigade and Similar Youth Organizations?
Discover what sets The Boys' Brigade apart from Scouts and Cadets, and find the best fit for your child’s interests and development.
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Why Gymnastics is a Great Foundation for All Sports: Insights from Coaches
Gymnastics introduces children to a wide range of movements at a young age, contributing significantly to their physical literacy. This early exposure helps kids develop a love for movement and exercise, setting them up for a healthy, active lifestyle. As one coach puts it, "Gymnastics teaches kids to understand and love their bodies and what they're capable of. This is something they carry with them into any sport they choose to pursue."
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Diving Centre for Kids
Let your kids immerse themselves in the magical underwater world!<br><br>The abundance of beautiful diving spots and the proximity of the Great Barrier Reef can make scuba diving a great choice for all the family!
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Bagpipe for kids
Let your kids connect with other cultures by playing bagpipes! Bagpipes are musical instruments that use enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. They are traditionally used to provide music for dances and funerals. Get your outdoorsy kids to play this loud instrument!
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