Before & After School care for kids
Get additional early learning and care for your little ones! When home care is not enough, there is before and after school care for kids.
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Trampolining for kids in Sydney
Give your kids the feeling of defying gravity on the trampoline! Trampoline is for active kids who love to jump and it also helps improve coordination, balance and strength. Sydney offers various classes and programs for kids interested in the trampoline. Let your kids aim high and jump high on the trampoline!
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Face Painting for Kids
Have you ever organised a face painting party? Either hire a face painter or do it yourself, you can check out all tips and information on how to make this party successful!
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Ice Skating for Kids
Glide effortlessly across the ice, even in the heat of summer! It is a popular recreational pastime and even an Olympic sport.
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Guitar schools for kids
Unleash your child's inner Jimi Hendrix! Many scientific research have highlighted the benefits of learning a musical instrument from a young age, listing creativity, discipline and patience as areas that will stay with a child through to adulthood.
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Beading for kids
Let your kids design and create their own jewellry through beading! Beading offers colorful projects that your kids can enjoy that will also make way for their creative sides to shine.
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Soccer for Toddlers: A Guide to Starting Early
Soccer classes for toddlers are different from adult or older children's classes. They focus on building a strong foundation and a love for the game.
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Drawing For Kids
If your kids like reading picture books, they might also enjoy drawing!<br><br>They might even become artists when they grow up!
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Oztag for Kids: A Fun and Engaging Sport
Many Oztag clubs participate in local and regional tournaments, offering kids an exciting platform to showcase their skills and compete in a friendly environment.
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Interactive and Fun Fitness Activities for Kids
Mini Golf – a fantastic way to introduce your children to the world of golf in a fun, engaging, and less formal setting. It's not just about putting the ball; it's about the laughter, the strategy, and the friendly competition
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National Parks For Kids In The Sydney Region
Get into nature and explore the spectacular national parks in Sydney region!<br><br> Australia is known for its stunning scenery and NSW is no exception. With an abundance of national parks in Sydney region, this area is popular with locals and tourists alike. Grab your hiking shoes and explore for yourself!
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Collections For Kids
Encourage your kids to start collections out of the treasures they gather!<br><br>The passion for collecting is one of the activities for kids that they can take interest in.
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Fencing for kids
En Garde and let your kids try out a fun and skill-stimulating game of fencing! Both classical and modern fencing is known to be a good sport that can develop your reflex and speed and will definitely be a fun, yet challenging kid's activity that your young ones will enjoy!
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Artistic Storytime: Inspiring Childrens Imagination Through Visual Tales
Drawing and painting are more than just colors on paper – they're gateways to your child's imagination. By providing them with the tools and the freedom to express themselves, you're nurturing their creativity, boosting their confidence, and creating memories that'll last a lifetime.
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Understanding the Role of Coaches in Kids' Netball Clubs
Uncover how coaches shape skills, teamwork, and character in kids' netball clubs, and why choosing the right coach is crucial for your child's development in the sport.
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Aquatic Centres for Kids
For fun and fitness why not get your kids to your local aquatic centre this summer? Aquatic centres, sometimes known as leisure centres, are common throughout Australia and they provide an opportunity for parents and kids to enjoy a vast array of water based activities for kids from swimming lessons to pool parties. Aquatic centres usually feature a swimming pool as their main attraction and are often a venue for sporting activities such as swimming carnivals and water polo.
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Bike Trails for Kids
Bike trails make two-wheel outdoor and adventure fun for the whole family!<br><br>Bike trails are a safe and fun way for you and your kids to have an outdoor adventure!
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