Fairs & Festivals for Kids
Roll up! Roll up! Let your kids enjoy all the fun of the fair!<br><br>Fairs & festivals abound across Australia, from country fairs, to craft fairs to food and film festivals and there’s sure to be fun for all the family!
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Casting agencies for kids
Get your young actors and models the right representatives! Do your kids like performing or modelling? Do they dream of becoming a star? Casting agencies for kids can help you manage their future!
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Kites For Kids
Get out in the fresh air with this classic among kids’ activities!<br><br>Popular all over Australia for its simplicity and appeal to all ages, kite flying is great entertainment on a windy day!
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Artistic Storytime: Inspiring Childrens Imagination Through Visual Tales
Drawing and painting are more than just colors on paper – they're gateways to your child's imagination. By providing them with the tools and the freedom to express themselves, you're nurturing their creativity, boosting their confidence, and creating memories that'll last a lifetime.
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Reptile Park for Kids
Your child can get up close and personal with their favourite scaly creatures!<br><br>Very popular with crocodile and snake loving kids and adults alike, a reptile park can be a fun and educational experience for the whole family!
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How to Get Your Child To Practice Their Musical Instrument
There is only one thing more magical than watching an expert musician who is lost in their own craft; that is, being that musician. Become one with an instrument produces a sense of flow, enjoyment, confidence and pure bliss. A musician can lose themselves to something greater than them alone. Which is why you are doing your child a massive favour if you know how to make practice both fun and rewarding. Here’s how to best get your child to practice, without the tears.
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Combat sports for kids
Are your children fascinated by martial arts films? Have you caught them doing a karate chop in the backyard? If so, a combat sport could be the perfect kids activity for them! They build strenght and self esteem with less risk of injury than team sports.
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Planning a party - get the best Magic Entertainment
There are many areas you need to consider when planning a party, and almost every area feeds into the entertainment you choose. The duration of the party needs to allow for set up and set down of entertainment; deciding whether it’s an afternoon or morning party – and where it will be held - at home, at a venue or in a park.
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Dance & karaoke for kids
Let the inner star of your child shine out through dance and karaoke! Dance & karaoke are the top choice for throwing a celebration because energetic kids in Australia love to play fun-filled activities especially when dancing and singing are involved. With the latest hits who would not want to sing and dance to the music?
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Windsurfing for Kids
Keep cool in summer with this exciting water sport!<br><br>This fast-paced extreme sport is a fun activity for kids and adults alike!
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Budget-Friendly Birthday Party Venues: How to Throw a Memorable Celebration Without Breaking the Bank
Australia is blessed with stunning natural landscapes, parks, and beaches that can serve as the perfect backdrop for your child's special day.
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Water Play Parks for Kids
Are you looking for a way to keep your kids cool during the sweltering Australian summer? A water play park could be the answer. A water play park offers a number of attractions, games and rides all based around water including fountains, slides and pools. They range in size from a couple of water slides beside your local swimming pool to huge theme park style complexes and are one of the most popular Aussie kids' activities during the summer months.
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Equestrian for kids
Do your children love animals? Maybe they should take up equestrian for kids! This sport is one of the most popular recreational activities for kids in Australia. Equestrian is also a fun outdoor family activity!
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Chess for Kids
Let your child test their tactical thinking with chess - the ultimate game of strategy!<br><br>Many studies have discovered that playing chess at an early age does increase a child’s mental fortitude, and overall health.
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Putt Putt Golf for Kids
Test your kids’ skill and agility with this fun game!<br><br>A great activity for kids and adults alike!
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Is my child old enough to start violin?
Somewhere between four and eight years is the best time to begin a violin journey. That’s a wide range, and your child will fit in based upon a number of factors such as the child’s maturity, motor control, available family time and most of all: your level of patience as a parent. This test will help you determine if now is the right time.
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Accordion teachers
Get your kids to play folk tunes on the accordion! The modern version of the accordion is played by compressing or expanding the instruments bellows while pressing buttons or keys, causing valves (pallets) to open, allowing air to flow across strips of brass or steel. For fun and quirky kids, the accordion is the perfect instrument!
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