Dance & karaoke for kids
Let the inner star of your child shine out through dance and karaoke! Dance & karaoke are the top choice for throwing a celebration because energetic kids in Australia love to play fun-filled activities especially when dancing and singing are involved. With the latest hits who would not want to sing and dance to the music?
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Aikido schools
Let your kids enjoy martial arts for self-defence and for physical fitness! Aikido is one of the popular forms of martial art that kids can learn.
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Camping For Kids In NT
Let your kids see the "real" Australian outback! Take them camping in NT!<br><br>Its diverse environment and breathtaking landscapes will make camping with the family a memorable experience!
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Bringing Magic to Your Child's Birthday
Host an Enchanted Forest-themed birthday for kids, featuring whimsical decorations, magical activities, magicians, themed snacks, and an unforgettable birthday cake.
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Introduction to Sports for Young Children: Choosing the Right Activity
Explore how to select the right sport for young children, focusing on their interests, safety, and parental involvement, to ensure a fun and enriching sports experience.
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Cafes with kids play areas
Keep your kids entertained in a cafe! Let your children stay at the play area and they might even make a new friend!
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Ballet Dancing for Kids
A very graceful and academic art that your child will love to perform. They can start learning from any age and will learn discipline and elegance among may other benefits this classical art provides.
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Team Sports and Life Skills: Learning Through Play
Discover the benefits of team sports in school holidays for children's development in teamwork, leadership, and resilience, and how these activities foster physical and mental well-being.
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Contemporary Dance for Kids
Let your child express themselves through contemporary dance, a great way for them to dance in a less academic and funnier way. Your kids will learn how to get creative will performing this original dance type.
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How to choose the right dance school for your child
According to the Australia Bureau of Statistic dance is the largest growing activity for girls in Australia since 2006. So if you happen to have a budding dancer in your house then you are certainly not alone and these tips can help you choose a great school for them.
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Piano for your Kids
Get your kids to start this amazing art. They will learn one of the greatest instrument, and will at one stage be able to choose between the many variations it offers: jazz, classical, digital...
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Harmonica for Kids
Your child can express their musical talent anywhere with an instrument that fits in their pocket!<br><br>Most often heard in blues and folk music, the harmonica is fun to play and very versatile!
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The benefits of singing
Singing as part of a community choir for kids helps your child in so many ways. In fact, there are many benefits to singing that can be social, physical, emotional and mental. This article will educate you on all the benefits that your kid may get from singing.
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Musical Instruments For Kids
Enhance your kid’s passion for the arts and music! Encourage them to play musical instruments!<br><br>Give your kids the gift of music as early possible. They can start by listening to their favourite songs and they can also sing along with it. They can then learn to play musical instruments. Attending music lessons helps cultivate many skills that they can apply in every aspect of their lives.
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Art Classes for Kids
Unleash your kids’ creative side with art classes!<br><br>A great chance for kids to explore their creative side and meet new friends!
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How yoga can help kids with Asthma
Spring is the season that asthma and allergies suffers dread the most due to triggers such as poor air quality and high pollen count. An exciting new study from the Chinese University in Hong Kong found that regular yoga practice had a positive impact on the quality of life of asthma suffers. Kid’s yoga and mindfulness can help as a complementary therapy and an alternative to standard breathing exercises. Read about the best exercises your child can do here.
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Tips to encourage your child to practice playing a musical instrument
It never ceases to amaze me how much difficulty some parents find in encouraging their child to practice playing a musical instrument. Very few younger aged students will practice of their own volition. Not many five year old kids will say to their parents “Now please excuse me, I am about to head into my room to practice the piano for the next hour or two”. However, we have found that the more actively parents are involved, the more the child will feel there is a reason to practice.
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