Rollerblading for kids
Make rollerblading a regular family activity! Rollerblading, also called inline skating, has the same speed and fluidity of ice skating. The sport is considered today as one of the most fun activities for kids around the world, including Australia. Why don’t you and your children give rollerblading a try?
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Whitewater Rafting For Kids In TAS
Feel the thrill in the most favourite vacation island in Australia!<br><br>If your kids are adventure lovers, then there is no place in Australia to experience the most adrenaline-charged vacation other than Tasmania.
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Drawing For Kids
If your kids like reading picture books, they might also enjoy drawing!<br><br>They might even become artists when they grow up!
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Contemporary Dance for Kids
Let your child express themselves through contemporary dance, a great way for them to dance in a less academic and funnier way. Your kids will learn how to get creative will performing this original dance type.
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Horse Riding for Kids
A great acrtivity in direct contact with animals and nature, that will help develop your kid's maturity and responsibility while he'll have to take care of his horse.
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Hockey for Kids
Do your kids want to play an exciting, super-fast team sport that doesn't require them to be extra brawny?
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Top 5 Chinese cultural experiences for kids
Sydney is packed with many interesting and diverse cultural activities for kids who are curious to learn more about the Chinese culture. This article promotes the top five cultural festivals around Sydney.
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Angling for Kids
Angling - fishing with a hook and line - is a popular Australian pastime, particularly on a sunny afternoon. Since primitive times people have caught fish to eat and this habit has evolved over the years into both a relaxing leisure pursuit and a fiercely competitive sport that appeals to adults and kids alike.
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Building Strength: Gymnastics Exercises for Young Athletes
The bridge pose is a staple in gymnastics, fostering flexibility in the back and strengthening the legs, arms, and wrists. It's an exercise that young gymnasts can enjoy while reaping immense benefits.
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Children and Sport: Nurturing Little Champions
From enhancing flexibility to building strength, these classes are a fantastic way to get your child moving. Plus, they learn balance and coordination, crucial skills at this tender age.
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Pony Riding for Kids
Jump in the saddle for a fun family activity!<br>Small children can enjoy a simple pony ride at a fete or show while older kids can hit the trails or compete in pony games and enjoy the great outdoors!
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Adventure Parks for Kids
Are you looking for a challenge for the whole family? Why not take the kids to an adventure park this weekend? Adventure parks are like outdoor obstacle courses with a number of activities for kids designed to physically test even the fittest and strongest of children. Usually located in bushland or woods, an adventure park differs from a theme park in that rather than having rides or amusements, it has a number of physical challenges laid out in a sequence.
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10 Fun Facts About Go-Karting
Explore 10 exciting Go-Karting facts, perfect for family adventures in Australia. Safety, skills, and more!
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Catering and cakes
Have your kids ever come home and told you about an amazing cake they saw at their friend's birthday party? Maybe it's their turn to have that show-and-tell-worthy cake this time! Get the best catering and cakes services on board for your party today!
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Accordion teachers
Get your kids to play folk tunes on the accordion! The modern version of the accordion is played by compressing or expanding the instruments bellows while pressing buttons or keys, causing valves (pallets) to open, allowing air to flow across strips of brass or steel. For fun and quirky kids, the accordion is the perfect instrument!
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The Ultimate Guide to Themed Birthday Party Venues for Kids
it's time to get planning! Remember to tailor your choice to your child's interests and preferences. Whether they want to be a wizard, a pirate, or explore the depths of the ocean
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How to help your child overcome stage fright
How are you meant to make your child feel comfortable on stage? They love performing but the fear can be overwhelming. It can be really scary being so small and in front of a big audience! These simple strategies include assisting with preparation, affirmations and dealing with those dreaded butterflies in the belly - find out how you can work with your child (or students) to move them beyond the fear.
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