Modern Dance for Kids
Do your kids like to dance? If they enjoy movement but find traditional ballet too restrictive, they might enjoy modern dance instead. Sometimes known as contemporary dance, it originated in the early 20th century and has increased in popularity ever since. Modern dance has been performed on Australian stages since the 1960s and encompasses a wide range of styles and techniques.
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School Holiday Programs for Kids
Are you looking for a way to entertain your kids during the summer holidays?
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Cricket Grounds for kids
Play cricket in Australia’s world-class cricket grounds! Cricket is one of Australia's most popular sports. Watch cricket in one of the largest cricket stadiums in the world or rent a local cricket ground for your kids.
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Understanding Netball Club Tournaments and Events for Parents
Explore the world of netball club tournaments in Australia, learn their structures, and discover how you, as a parent, can best support and encourage your child through these competitive and fun events.
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Theatre for Kids
Harness your child’s imagination!<br><br>A fantastic way for your kids to unearth their creativity!
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The Top 8 Benefits of Gymnastics for Kids
Gymnastics provides a healthy outlet for stress reduction. The physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, helping children relax and feel happier. It's a great way for them to unwind after a long day at school.
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How to pick the correct martial arts school for your children
I was once told by a School Teacher that “Leisure should be pleasurable” and I always remembered that when I designed and taught my classes. I have been teaching karate to children and running my karate school for over 30 years and I know that most parents have absolutely no idea about martial arts. In this article I tell you how to find the best school and instructor for your kids.
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Planning a party - get the best Magic Entertainment
There are many areas you need to consider when planning a party, and almost every area feeds into the entertainment you choose. The duration of the party needs to allow for set up and set down of entertainment; deciding whether it’s an afternoon or morning party – and where it will be held - at home, at a venue or in a park.
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Science Clubs For Kids
Your child can learn about the fascinating world around them with science clubs!<br><br> Science clubs are a fun and enjoyable way for kids to learn about science through hands on experience. Whether run by large organisations such as the CSIRO or smaller after school groups, science clubs can be fabulous for any child who has an enquiring mind and is eager to learn!
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Building Character: How The Boys' Brigade Develops Leadership Skills in Youth
The Boys' Brigade in Australia develops leadership skills in children through responsibility, teamwork, and critical thinking. This youth association's programs help kids build character and confidence, preparing them to be the leaders of tomorrow. Learn how your child can benefit!
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The Benefits of Gymnastics for Kids: Enhancing Physical and Cognitive Development
Gymnastics offers a holistic approach to the development of children, combining physical fitness with cognitive growth and essential life skills. From building strong physical foundations to nurturing cognitive abilities, enhancing confidence, and fostering social interactions, gymnastics has a far-reaching positive impact on kids' lives.
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Scouts for Kids
Are you in search of kids' activities that may promote your child's mental, social and physical development? How on the Scouts? The Boy Scouts is an organization founded in England in 1907 to teach boys survival skills and values including service to others, teamwork and comradeship. The first Australian Boy Scout camp was started in 1908 and now Scouts Australia is a national movement and community institution, which provides a wide range of camps and activities for children of all ages. National 'jamborees' are help periodically and scouts from all over Australia attend.
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Libraries for Kids
Help your kids awaken to a whole new world of wonder through reading!<br><br>Give your kids a chance to explore wholecompletely new worlds through reading!
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Adventure Parks for Kids
Are you looking for a challenge for the whole family? Why not take the kids to an adventure park this weekend? Adventure parks are like outdoor obstacle courses with a number of activities for kids designed to physically test even the fittest and strongest of children. Usually located in bushland or woods, an adventure park differs from a theme park in that rather than having rides or amusements, it has a number of physical challenges laid out in a sequence.
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Top 5 Reasons Pickleball is Perfect for Kids
Pickleball is a fun sport perfect for children and offers numerous benefits. Learn more about it today!
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Bagpipe for kids
Let your kids connect with other cultures by playing bagpipes! Bagpipes are musical instruments that use enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. They are traditionally used to provide music for dances and funerals. Get your outdoorsy kids to play this loud instrument!
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Diving Centre for Kids
Let your kids immerse themselves in the magical underwater world!<br><br>The abundance of beautiful diving spots and the proximity of the Great Barrier Reef can make scuba diving a great choice for all the family!
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