Oztag for Kids: A Fun and Engaging Sport
Many Oztag clubs participate in local and regional tournaments, offering kids an exciting platform to showcase their skills and compete in a friendly environment.
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Indoor Cricket For Kids
Get your kids to play indoor cricket!<br><br>Indoor cricket is a fast paced and simpler version of the regular cricket game. It is played by players of all ages and genders on local, national, and international levels. It is one of the four most popular sports in Australia along with rugby, AFL and horse racing. There are more than 100 indoor cricket centres in Australia with 200,000 participants. Australia also dominates the Indoor Cricket World Cup and has not lost ever since it started in 1995.
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What to Expect in Your Child's First Horse Riding Lesson
Get ready for your child's first horse riding lesson! Learn what to expect and how to prepare for an exciting experience.
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Dance & karaoke for kids
Let the inner star of your child shine out through dance and karaoke! Dance & karaoke are the top choice for throwing a celebration because energetic kids in Australia love to play fun-filled activities especially when dancing and singing are involved. With the latest hits who would not want to sing and dance to the music?
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Tips for kids playing basketball
Basketball isn't just a great team sport to play - it's a skill that needs to be learned and practiced in order to continue improving. There are four areas where kids can focus to really start to improve their basketball skills and this article outlines all of them.
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Rollerblading for kids
Make rollerblading a regular family activity! Rollerblading, also called inline skating, has the same speed and fluidity of ice skating. The sport is considered today as one of the most fun activities for kids around the world, including Australia. Why don’t you and your children give rollerblading a try?
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Games For Kids
Get to know the different kinds of games suitable for your kids!<br><br>Games involve competition, rules, endeavours of one person or team against another, and scores being kept for recognition or a prize. Common types of games are board games, card games, and video games. Encourage your kids to play educational kids games!
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Snow Sports For Kids
Prevent boredom by giving your kids more activities to choose from. Introduce them to snow sports!<br><br>Health specialists recommend that kids should have an hour of exercise daily. But during the winter, kids tend to prefer to just stay inside the house where it?s warm and comfortable. But who says they can?t be active and have fun outdoors during the cold weather? Studies show that kids who spend more time outdoors are least likely to feel stressed. Add some excitement to their winter!
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Superhero party theme
Arrange a fun superhero-themed party for your kids! Superhero party provide more opportunities for more enjoyable and engaging party games and activities. Make your kid's party the talk of the town by throwing a superhero theme party!
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Ballroom dancing for kids
Let your kids do more than quick step, and jumpstart their mastery of ballroom dancing! Ballroom dancing for kids can serve as a great family activity that both parents and kids can enjoy!
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Everything You Need to Know About Martial Arts Before Signing Your Kids Up
Enrolling your child in a Martial Arts Academy can be a wonderful decision for their physical, mental, and emotional growth.
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What is the best age to learn public speaking?
Whether your child is just starting to string sentences together or is navigating the complexities of adolescence, now is the perfect time to encourage them to raise their voice and share their thoughts with the world
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Water Sports For Kids
If your kids love the water as much as they love adventures, then they might enjoy water sports!<br><br>It is always more fun to spend the summer vacation on the beach. Aside from swimming, there are lots of fun and exciting activities you and your kids can enjoy on the water.
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Choosing the Right Art Class for Your Child: Tips and Considerations for Aussie Parents
The quality of Teachng is important. Check the qualifications and experience of the Art Teachers. Ideally, the Teachers should have a background in art education and experience working with children. A passionate and patient Teacher can make a significant difference in your child’s learning experience.
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Physical Culture for Kids
Kids can bounce, stretch and jump their way to fitness!<br><br>Your kids could even find themselves competing at a national level!
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Ukulele for kids
Introduce your kids to the charm of playing music with the ukulele! The ukulele is a great instrument to begin your childrens musical journey, given their small and lightweight bodies. Get your kids to start playing this tiny and quirky instrument!
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Puppeteers for Kids
If your kids enjoy play acting, they may love being a puppeteer!<br><br>Encourage their imagination by letting them play puppeteer in their own puppet theatre!
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