4 reasons why every kid should practice yoga
Essentially yoga is about balance – creating equanimity to live a peaceful life in good health and in harmony with the world around us. Yoga for kids is fun and playful but it also teaches children how to be comfortable in their own skin. It develops personal strength which comes from within and not from an external source which can fade, change or leave. Here's four reasons why you should encourage your children to practice yoga.
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Indoor Play Park for Kids
Are your younger kids exploding with energy and do you need a place to help them burn it off? An indoor play park is a quick, affordable way for them to tear around without destroying the house or garden!
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Drama and Emotional Intelligence: How Acting Helps Kids Understand Emotions
Acting classes empower kids with emotional intelligence. Explore the benefits today!
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How to help your child overcome stage fright
How are you meant to make your child feel comfortable on stage? They love performing but the fear can be overwhelming. It can be really scary being so small and in front of a big audience! These simple strategies include assisting with preparation, affirmations and dealing with those dreaded butterflies in the belly - find out how you can work with your child (or students) to move them beyond the fear.
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Everything You Need to Know About Martial Arts Before Signing Your Kids Up
Enrolling your child in a Martial Arts Academy can be a wonderful decision for their physical, mental, and emotional growth.
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Singing for Kids
Does your child dream of becoming the next Australian Idol?<br><br>Give your kids the chance to explore their talents with singing lessons!
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Indoor Sports for Kids
Champions in the making!<br><br>And your kids don’t have to miss out when the weather is bad!
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Board Sports For Kids In The Perth Region
Playing board sports in The Perth region provides the ultimate holiday experience!<br><br>Board sports are often considered extreme sports, making them more appealing to kids as they are naturally adventurous.
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What Kind of Paint Do You Use for Kids Face Painting?
Face painting is a popular activity for children's parties and events, but choosing the right paint is crucial. Parents and caregivers need to ensure that the products used are safe, non-toxic, and suitable for sensitive skin. In Australia, many brands offer high-quality water-based face paints that are easy to apply and remove. Always check for hypoallergenic options, especially for kids with sensitive skin. This article will help you navigate the world of kids' face painting, ensuring your child's party is both fun and safe.
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Water Sports For Kids
If your kids love the water as much as they love adventures, then they might enjoy water sports!<br><br>It is always more fun to spend the summer vacation on the beach. Aside from swimming, there are lots of fun and exciting activities you and your kids can enjoy on the water.
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Acrobats for kids
Let your kids dance their way to the top! Do your kids enjoy seeing acrobat performers swinging and dancing in mid-air? Are they fascinated by the sight of ballet dancers that perform astonishing dance moves and routines? If your answer is YES, acrobats for kids will most likely be best for them, as an extra-curricular activity or as a talent that they can pursue professionally.
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Bringing Magic to Your Child's Birthday
Host an Enchanted Forest-themed birthday for kids, featuring whimsical decorations, magical activities, magicians, themed snacks, and an unforgettable birthday cake.
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Accordion teachers
Get your kids to play folk tunes on the accordion! The modern version of the accordion is played by compressing or expanding the instruments bellows while pressing buttons or keys, causing valves (pallets) to open, allowing air to flow across strips of brass or steel. For fun and quirky kids, the accordion is the perfect instrument!
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Understanding the Role of Coaches in Kids' Netball Clubs
Uncover how coaches shape skills, teamwork, and character in kids' netball clubs, and why choosing the right coach is crucial for your child's development in the sport.
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How to pick the correct martial arts school for your children
I was once told by a School Teacher that “Leisure should be pleasurable” and I always remembered that when I designed and taught my classes. I have been teaching karate to children and running my karate school for over 30 years and I know that most parents have absolutely no idea about martial arts. In this article I tell you how to find the best school and instructor for your kids.
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Self defence clubs for kids
Join Self-defence clubs to build your kids' character and confidence! Self-defence clubs for kids will help your children learn skills that will help them defend themselves in a variety of threatening situations. It is a non-aggressive art that will build your kids' physique and ensure their safety.
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Beading - is it just fun or a learning opportunity?
While engaging in this fun activity children are also learning or further developing a number of important skills including design, hand eye co-ordination, patterning and more. This article explains each of the skills your child could learn through beading in more detail.
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