What Age Should Your Child Start Swimming? Tips for Parents
Once kids hit the school-age range (6 to 8 years old), they've got the physical and mental capabilities to grasp more advanced swimming techniques.
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Windsurfing for Kids
Keep cool in summer with this exciting water sport!<br><br>This fast-paced extreme sport is a fun activity for kids and adults alike!
Read moreThree Reasons to attend a Drama camp
Every holidays, a myriad of workshops and camps pop up, providing students with opportunities to extend their skills and talent outside of the school setting. Drama camps are a great place for students to explore their creativity and build their self-confidence in a relaxed, friendly and fun environment.
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Hobbies For Kids
Give your kids something to occupy themselves in their spare time!<br><br> Hobbies are anything your child likes to do in their spare time and can be as diverse as arts and crafts, cooking or driving remote control cars. As well as giving kids something to do with their time, hobbies can be educational and a great way to make friends!
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Jazz dancing for kids
Put those little jazz shoes on! Do your children show eagerness to become a good dancer? Then why not let them try jazz dancing?
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Themed Birthday Parties: A Guide to Creating an Enchanting World for Your Child
Adapt classic party games like musical chairs or pin the tail on the donkey to fit your theme. For example, it could be "Save the Princess" or "Rescue the Stolen Treasure."
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Artistic Storytime: Inspiring Childrens Imagination Through Visual Tales
Drawing and painting are more than just colors on paper – they're gateways to your child's imagination. By providing them with the tools and the freedom to express themselves, you're nurturing their creativity, boosting their confidence, and creating memories that'll last a lifetime.
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How to prepare for a vocal performance
There are many things you can do to help you prepare for a vocal performance; my tips walk you through how to know your song, understand its structure, learn the dynamics and more!
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What is the best age to learn public speaking?
Whether your child is just starting to string sentences together or is navigating the complexities of adolescence, now is the perfect time to encourage them to raise their voice and share their thoughts with the world
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Trombone for Kids
Enjoy the distinctive sound of this popular brass instrument!<br><br>The trombone’s rich, mellow tone makes it popular in jazz and classical music alike!
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Bringing Magic to Your Child's Birthday
Host an Enchanted Forest-themed birthday for kids, featuring whimsical decorations, magical activities, magicians, themed snacks, and an unforgettable birthday cake.
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How yoga can help kids with Asthma
Spring is the season that asthma and allergies suffers dread the most due to triggers such as poor air quality and high pollen count. An exciting new study from the Chinese University in Hong Kong found that regular yoga practice had a positive impact on the quality of life of asthma suffers. Kid’s yoga and mindfulness can help as a complementary therapy and an alternative to standard breathing exercises. Read about the best exercises your child can do here.
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Libraries for Kids
Help your kids awaken to a whole new world of wonder through reading!<br><br>Give your kids a chance to explore wholecompletely new worlds through reading!
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Cello for Kids
Are your kids looking for a musical experience that will really challenge them?<br><br>A member of the violin family, the cello’s distinctive sound makes it a very rewarding instrument to play!
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What Age Can Children Start to Go to Playgroup?
For babies, the experience is more about sensory play and social interaction with adults. As they grow into toddlers, playgroups become a space for them to explore, play, and start developing their social skills.
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How to overcome stress
Whether it’s learning lines for a production or sitting an exam, many actors can apply similar strategies to minimise their stress levels and face a challenge head on. This article includes some proven tips to help you overcome stress:
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Joeys For Kids
A great way for adventurous kids to make new friends while learning useful life skills!<br><br>Scouts are an institution in Australia and around the world and provide a great opportunity for kids to learn a broad range of skills and have fun in a safe environment!
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