Djembe for Kids
Let your kids explore their sense of rhythm with the Djembe!<br><br>Give your kids the chance to try something a bit different with this unique musical instrument!
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Pre School Dance For Kids
Get your kids to start preschool dance!<br><br>Develop your kid’s potential in dancing while they are young. Young kids learn easily especially when they participate in hands-on kids activities like creative dance games where they can have fun while learning. Encourage your kids to dance to the tune of the songs they love!
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Planning the perfect Children’s birthday party
Every year your child’s birthday party seem to become an event that has bigger and better expectations every year. The same predicament flies through your head “should I have it at home and risk children flying everywhere and making a huge mess or should I host it out of the house that may cost more?”.
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Acting associations
Fuel your kids dreams to be the next stars! If your kids have interesting and endearing personalities and love to interact with people, they would love to learn the art of acting.
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Aqua Fun Park for Kids
With Australia's hot summers, aqua fun parks are a great way to cool off and have fun for the entire family.Even babies and toddlers can splash around in the kids' pool while older children can get their thrills from faster slides and water based rides.
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Chess for Kids
Let your child test their tactical thinking with chess - the ultimate game of strategy!<br><br>Many studies have discovered that playing chess at an early age does increase a child’s mental fortitude, and overall health.
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Angling for Kids
Angling - fishing with a hook and line - is a popular Australian pastime, particularly on a sunny afternoon. Since primitive times people have caught fish to eat and this habit has evolved over the years into both a relaxing leisure pursuit and a fiercely competitive sport that appeals to adults and kids alike.
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Tips to encourage your child to practice playing a musical instrument
It never ceases to amaze me how much difficulty some parents find in encouraging their child to practice playing a musical instrument. Very few younger aged students will practice of their own volition. Not many five year old kids will say to their parents “Now please excuse me, I am about to head into my room to practice the piano for the next hour or two”. However, we have found that the more actively parents are involved, the more the child will feel there is a reason to practice.
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Guitar for Kids
Your kids will love playing the guitar and his favourite songs! The Guitar is quite easy to learn and easy to carry while leaving on holidays. Your kids will be able to play anywhere, whenever they have spare time.
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Youth Centres for Kids
Looking for somewhere your kids can spend time and learn new skills?
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Conducting for kids
We've all seen refined gentlemen acting as conductors of grand orchestras. But did you know kids lessons are available in music conducting? Learning to conduct is a great exercise for kids which educates them about a range of things about music. It can also improve their brain function and social skills in ways that will benefits lots of other areas of their lives.
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How to Make a Kids Party Special: Tips for Parents
Whether you opt for a backyard BBQ, a beachside picnic, or a wild adventure at a theme park, your little tacker is bound to have a blast. So, let's get cracking and make your next kids' party special!
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Oztag for Kids: A Fun and Engaging Sport
Many Oztag clubs participate in local and regional tournaments, offering kids an exciting platform to showcase their skills and compete in a friendly environment.
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Mini Golf for Kids
Mini Golf is the utmost "family" activity... Play safely with kids of any age, outdoor or in the dark, and enjoy a wonderful moment altogether.
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Snow Sports For Kids
Prevent boredom by giving your kids more activities to choose from. Introduce them to snow sports!<br><br>Health specialists recommend that kids should have an hour of exercise daily. But during the winter, kids tend to prefer to just stay inside the house where it?s warm and comfortable. But who says they can?t be active and have fun outdoors during the cold weather? Studies show that kids who spend more time outdoors are least likely to feel stressed. Add some excitement to their winter!
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How to choose a self defence school
Not every martial arts school teaches what they say they do. There are many definitions of what is taught - this article looks at what these definitions are, popular misconceptions, how you can get the most out of your training and what to look for when selecting a self-defence school.
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Hobbies For Kids
Give your kids something to occupy themselves in their spare time!<br><br> Hobbies are anything your child likes to do in their spare time and can be as diverse as arts and crafts, cooking or driving remote control cars. As well as giving kids something to do with their time, hobbies can be educational and a great way to make friends!
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