Family Fun at the Bowling Alley
Tips for a memorable family bowling experience: choosing the right venue, engaging kids in gameplay, safety, and celebrating special occasions at the bowling alley.
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Astronomy clubs for kids
Discover how shooting stars work! Do your kids like stargazing? Do you often notice them watching the sky? Perhaps they can join astronomy clubs for kids!
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The Great Aussie Birthday Bash in Nature
From mobile farms and animals to kids' sports parties, there's something for every child's interest. So, go ahead, embrace the beauty of the great outdoors, and give your little one a birthday party they'll never forget!
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Modern Dance for Kids
Do your kids like to dance? If they enjoy movement but find traditional ballet too restrictive, they might enjoy modern dance instead. Sometimes known as contemporary dance, it originated in the early 20th century and has increased in popularity ever since. Modern dance has been performed on Australian stages since the 1960s and encompasses a wide range of styles and techniques.
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Indoor vs. Outdoor Party Venues: Pros and Cons for Kids' Parties
Whether you opt for an indoor space or an outdoor oasis, what truly matters is the joy and laughter shared among children as they celebrate another milestone in their journey of growth and discovery. Happy party planning!
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Archery for Kids
Let your kids practise their focus and concentration with this fun and unusual sport!<br><br>. It’s a great social sport and a way for your child to develop better concentration!
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How to help your kid find their balance in life
There are many ways in which we try to balance our busy lives, and keeping a balance between our physical, mental and spiritual selves is an important start to maintaining overall balance in life. This quick tip will help your kid to find more balance in their life.
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National Parks for Kids
Looking for an adventure in the great outdoors? Head to your local national park! A national park is a government protected reserve designed to help preserve Australian wildlife or plants. These are usually open to the public and may offer a number of family activities including camping, hiking, boating and swimming.
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Surfing For Kids In Sydney
Try surfing in Sydney for an adrenaline packed water sport!<br><br> Surfing involves riding on ocean waves on a board. Surfing in Sydney offers some of the best surf in Australia and with a number of great surf spots to choose from, it?s the ideal place for your child to learn to surf!
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Beach Sports for Kids
A great way to enjoy the week-end in family! Many beach sports are accessible to any kid of any age. Learn what you need to know on the different versions of sports you may play on the beach with your kids.
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Soccer Basics: A Guide for Aussie Parents and Kids
From soccer classes and lessons to joining local associations, your kids are in for a wild ride of fun, friendship, and learning. Remember, it's not about becoming the next soccer superstar – it's about enjoying the game, growing as a person, and maybe scoring a few goals along the way.
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Coach's Corner: How to Encourage and Motivate Young Athletes
Learn how to inspire and motivate young athletes in Little Athletics with tips from experienced coaches.
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How to raise brave kids - that understand FEAR
When confronted by someone or an unusual event we are often surprised by our body's reaction, often interpreted as 'Fear'. At a physiological level our body is dumped with adrenalin which makes our muscles ready to fight or flee from any perceived attack or stressful situation, that is our 'fight' or 'flight' instinct. These two primordial responses are most obvious in children who will run away or lash out when stressed.
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AFL Skills and Coaching Tips
We thought it would be super helpful to parents of kids (aged 6-13 years) if we provided you will access to four different AFL games and activities that you can use with your kids any time of the AFL season. This will help you to support their desire to continually develop their AFL skills and AFL game sense. This article teaches awkward marking, contest marking, accuracy competition and triangle kicking.
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Snow Sports For Kids In NSW
Are your kids looking for challenging ways to enjoy the snow? Playing board sports in NSW might be the best idea!<br><br>One key snow sport destination in Australia is Snowy Mountains.
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Jujitsu for Kids
Try jujitsu for a martial art that develops mind, body and spirit!<br><br>A great way for kids to keep fit and learn valuable personal skills at the same time!
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Cultural Dancing Classes & Lessons for kids
Learn about different cultures through dancing! Exploring the world of dance through cultural dancing can help them gain awareness of the different cultures in the world. Enrol your kids to cultural dancing classes and lessons!
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