Ball Sports For Kids
Are your kids sporty? Introduce them to ball sports!<br><br>Sports are important to keep your kids active and physically fit. That?s why schools have physical education classes where kids are required to participate in different sports. The most popular sports among them are ball sports.
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Art centre for kids
Enrich your children's artistic talents through your local art centre! An art centre offers various art workshops and drawing classes for children in Australia.
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Triathlons for Kids
Give your child the ultimate challenge and enter them into a triathlon!<br><br>Very popular in Australia for all ages, kids’ triathlons can be a fun way for your children to challenge themselves and get fit!
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Animal Zoos for Kids
For fun, adventure and a chance to learn on the natural world, why not take your kids to an animal zoo? An animal zoo is a collection of animals from all over the world, often including rare or endangered species, gathered in one place for people to observe. Zoos have been around since biblical times and the first zoological garden to open in Australia was in Melbourne in 1862.
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Games For Kids
Get to know the different kinds of games suitable for your kids!<br><br>Games involve competition, rules, endeavours of one person or team against another, and scores being kept for recognition or a prize. Common types of games are board games, card games, and video games. Encourage your kids to play educational kids games!
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Self defence clubs for kids
Join Self-defence clubs to build your kids' character and confidence! Self-defence clubs for kids will help your children learn skills that will help them defend themselves in a variety of threatening situations. It is a non-aggressive art that will build your kids' physique and ensure their safety.
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Kiteboarding for Kids
Glide across the waves with this adrenaline filled sport!<br><br>Also known as kite surfing, this fast growing sport is popular with adults and kids alike!
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Libraries for Kids
Help your kids awaken to a whole new world of wonder through reading!<br><br>Give your kids a chance to explore wholecompletely new worlds through reading!
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Taekwondo for Kids
For a martial art that can build kids? confidence and self esteem why not try taekwondo?<br>It has evolved into a form of self defence and even an Olympic level game!
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5 fun partner poses to do with your kids
Kids are natural yogis and they love to play. Sharing your practice together is a great way to connect on a physical, mental and emotional level. It’s also an opportunity for us to reconnect with the child we once were. Practicing yoga with kid’s increases bonds, builds self-esteem and helps create strong families. Find out what you need to get started and what poses may work best for you and your family.
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Family Fun with a Kick: Karate for Kids and Parent Participation
Karate for kids isn't just about learning self-defense; it's about creating lasting memories and forging stronger family bonds.
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National Parks For Kids In The Sydney Region
Get into nature and explore the spectacular national parks in Sydney region!<br><br> Australia is known for its stunning scenery and NSW is no exception. With an abundance of national parks in Sydney region, this area is popular with locals and tourists alike. Grab your hiking shoes and explore for yourself!
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Rollerskating for Kids
Are you looking for a versatile and fun hobby for your kids? <br>Rollerskating is popular as a form of transportation, a sport and a type of performance art.
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Finding the Right Time: When to Start Your Child in Karate Classes & Lessons
Karate can be an excellent way to channel their energy, teach them self-control, and boost their self-esteem. Plus, the social aspect of Karate schools helps them make friends while learning.
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4 Reasons why Performing Arts is more than just a hobby
It's frustrating when something their child enjoys is ranked lower on a parent's priority list when compared to their grades at school. Is it really more important for a painfully shy 8 year old to have top grades than developing confidence? Their grades at school won't help them stick up for themselves in the playground and coming first in their maths class won't help them sell their skills in a job interview. But taking part in the performing arts will help and this is why...
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Art Galleries for Kids
Give your kids a taste for art with a visit to an art gallery!<br><br>Whether by famous international artists, or lesser known local exhibitors, art galleries can open kids’ minds up to the world of art!
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Circus Schools for Kids
Give your kids a taste of the spectacular by sending them to a circus school!<br><br>What a terrific way for your children to learn new skills to impress their friends!
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