Modelling for kids
Bring out the star in your child! Do your kids love posing for the camera, or perhaps watching themselves on home videos? Then might be interested to get into modelling!
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Pilates For Kids
Lead your kids into a healthy lifestyle. Do Pilates together!<br><br>Pilates is a form of exercise developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. It is a physical fitness system intended to strengthen the mind and the body as Joseph Pilates believed that mental and physical health are connected. He also believes that Pilates uses the mind to control the muscles. In 1934, he discussed in his book, Your Health, about his concern with the state of kids health.
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Team Sports For Kids
Who doesn't enjoying playing with friends? Introduce your kids to team sports!<br><br>A sport is a way to keep kids and adults active, fit, and healthy. Nowadays, people lack exercise because they sometimes think that staying inside and playing video games or watching TV is more fun. Studies show that only 1 out of 4 kids participate in physical activities like sports. Sports make exercise an enjoyable and social event. There are two types of sports: individual sports and team sports. Team sports are the most ideal sports for kids because they involve players working together as a team (with 2 or more members) to reach their objective, which is to win. As the saying goes, the more the merrier.
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Volleyball for Kids
Teach kids to play volleyball!<br /><br />. The purpose of teaching children how to play volleyball and other activities for kids as such is for them to develop a passion for the sport or activity as well as to provide them more opportunities to spend their time and burn their energy in a fun and meaningful way.
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Reptile Park for Kids
Your child can get up close and personal with their favourite scaly creatures!<br><br>Very popular with crocodile and snake loving kids and adults alike, a reptile park can be a fun and educational experience for the whole family!
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Choirs for kids
Let the world hear your kid’s voice! Reignite your kids’ passion for singing by enrolling them in various choirs for kids.
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Picking the perfect dance school using your 5 senses
Remember that moment when your son or daughter looked up at you with big puppy dog eyes and said "I want to start dancing"? It has been at the forefront of their imagination and nag-ation (that's not really a word but it means constant nagging) and now you're convinced that it's what they really want to do. This article addresses how your five senses can assist in choosing the best dance school for them.
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Puppeteers for Kids
If your kids enjoy play acting, they may love being a puppeteer!<br><br>Encourage their imagination by letting them play puppeteer in their own puppet theatre!
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Calisthenics for kids
If your kids love gymnastics and dancing, try calisthenics!<br><br>A great kids activity designed to improve kids fitness and agility!
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Board Sports For Kids
Encourage your kids to go outside and play!<br><br>Staying inside the house the whole day and just playing video games, watching TV, and other similar kids activities are bad for their health. Keep them healthy and active with board sports!
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National Parks For Kids In The Melbourne Region
Spending the weekend in Victoria? Make it worthwhile by bringing your kids to national parks in Melbourne region!<br><br>Melbourne is known as the Cultural Capital of Australia, since most international cultural events and festivals, such as the Melbourne International Arts Festival and Melbourne International Film Festival, take place here.
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Catering and cakes
Have your kids ever come home and told you about an amazing cake they saw at their friend's birthday party? Maybe it's their turn to have that show-and-tell-worthy cake this time! Get the best catering and cakes services on board for your party today!
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Tips to encourage your child to practice playing a musical instrument
It never ceases to amaze me how much difficulty some parents find in encouraging their child to practice playing a musical instrument. Very few younger aged students will practice of their own volition. Not many five year old kids will say to their parents “Now please excuse me, I am about to head into my room to practice the piano for the next hour or two”. However, we have found that the more actively parents are involved, the more the child will feel there is a reason to practice.
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Youth Centres for Kids
Looking for somewhere your kids can spend time and learn new skills?
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Modern Dance for Kids
Do your kids like to dance? If they enjoy movement but find traditional ballet too restrictive, they might enjoy modern dance instead. Sometimes known as contemporary dance, it originated in the early 20th century and has increased in popularity ever since. Modern dance has been performed on Australian stages since the 1960s and encompasses a wide range of styles and techniques.
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Cornet for kids
Give your kids a chance to play in concert bands with the cornet! In its modern form, the cornet is a brass instrument that resembles the trumpet and is often used in classical music. If your kids love playing solos in brass bands, then the cornet may be instrument for them!
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Percussions for Kids
Let your kids develop their sense of rhythm with percussion instruments!<br><br>Anything that can be struck or banged can be a percussion instrument - the only limit is your kid’s imagination!
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