Family Fun at the Bowling Alley
Tips for a memorable family bowling experience: choosing the right venue, engaging kids in gameplay, safety, and celebrating special occasions at the bowling alley.
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Aikido associations for kids
Keep your kids safeguarded by letting them learn and enjoy an important life skill of self defence! Help your kids redirect their energy positively and let them learn the art of self defence. Aikido associations for kids provide the necessary training to develop you childrens inner peace and channel it into something fun and active.
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Indoor Soccer (Futsal) For Kids
The most popular sport today: soccer! Get your kids to try it indoors!<br><br>Indoor soccer, also known as futsal, is simpler version of the regular soccer. The same rules apply but it is played on a smaller indoor field, almost the size of a basketball court, and played with a smaller and heavier ball (for it to bounce less). Indoor soccer was introduced in Australia in 1971. Now there are 18,000 registered indoor soccer players and 120,000 social participants in competitions nationwide.<br><br>
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Hobbies For Kids
Give your kids something to occupy themselves in their spare time!<br><br> Hobbies are anything your child likes to do in their spare time and can be as diverse as arts and crafts, cooking or driving remote control cars. As well as giving kids something to do with their time, hobbies can be educational and a great way to make friends!
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What's the Perfect Kick-Start Sport for Kids? Exploring Swimming and Soccer Classes in Australia
Both swimming and soccer offer unique benefits that can set your child up for a lifetime of health and happiness.
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Petting Zoos for Kids
Do your children love animals? Then why not take them to a petting zoo? A petting zoo is a collection of domestic and farm animals that kids can feed and stroke. Sometimes they are located at zoos and other times they are mobile, often travelling to locations for parties or to schools, fetes, showgrounds and other events where fun activities for kids are required.
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Trampolining for kids in Sydney
Give your kids the feeling of defying gravity on the trampoline! Trampoline is for active kids who love to jump and it also helps improve coordination, balance and strength. Sydney offers various classes and programs for kids interested in the trampoline. Let your kids aim high and jump high on the trampoline!
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Team Sports For Kids
Who doesn't enjoying playing with friends? Introduce your kids to team sports!<br><br>A sport is a way to keep kids and adults active, fit, and healthy. Nowadays, people lack exercise because they sometimes think that staying inside and playing video games or watching TV is more fun. Studies show that only 1 out of 4 kids participate in physical activities like sports. Sports make exercise an enjoyable and social event. There are two types of sports: individual sports and team sports. Team sports are the most ideal sports for kids because they involve players working together as a team (with 2 or more members) to reach their objective, which is to win. As the saying goes, the more the merrier.
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Indoor Tennis for Kids
Unleash your kid’s potential inner champion! <br><br>No matter what the weather, there’s no excuse not to play!
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Kites For Kids
Get out in the fresh air with this classic among kids’ activities!<br><br>Popular all over Australia for its simplicity and appeal to all ages, kite flying is great entertainment on a windy day!
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Why You Should Consider Gymnastics Camp for Your Kids These School Holidays
Enrolling your child in a Gymnastics Camp during the school holidays can also benefit their regular gymnastics classes. They'll have a chance to reinforce what they've learned, develop new skills, and gain a competitive edge when they return to Gymnastics Centres after the break.
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Scouts for Kids
Are you in search of kids' activities that may promote your child's mental, social and physical development? How on the Scouts? The Boy Scouts is an organization founded in England in 1907 to teach boys survival skills and values including service to others, teamwork and comradeship. The first Australian Boy Scout camp was started in 1908 and now Scouts Australia is a national movement and community institution, which provides a wide range of camps and activities for children of all ages. National 'jamborees' are help periodically and scouts from all over Australia attend.
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Soccer Basics: A Guide for Aussie Parents and Kids
From soccer classes and lessons to joining local associations, your kids are in for a wild ride of fun, friendship, and learning. Remember, it's not about becoming the next soccer superstar – it's about enjoying the game, growing as a person, and maybe scoring a few goals along the way.
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Trumpet for Kids
Looking for a loud, gutsy instrument that allows your child to make their mark in the school band?<br><br>By blowing through the mouthpiece and pressing different valves, your child can enjoy making music in a number of different styles!
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Martial Arts for Kids
Let your kids learn self defence while getting fit and having fun! <br>Martial arts is a type of training which was originally designed to help fighters preparing for combat.
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Beach Volleyball for your Kids
Make a trip to the beach even more fun with a game of volleyball! <br>Popular during the summer, it?s a great form of exercise and loads of fun!
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Horse Riding for Kids
A great acrtivity in direct contact with animals and nature, that will help develop your kid's maturity and responsibility while he'll have to take care of his horse.
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