Secondary Art School for Kids
Are your kids creatively inclined and looking for an outlet?
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4 Reasons why Performing Arts is more than just a hobby
It's frustrating when something their child enjoys is ranked lower on a parent's priority list when compared to their grades at school. Is it really more important for a painfully shy 8 year old to have top grades than developing confidence? Their grades at school won't help them stick up for themselves in the playground and coming first in their maths class won't help them sell their skills in a job interview. But taking part in the performing arts will help and this is why...
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Australian Football (AFL) for Kids
Australian Football is a great team sport, both physical and technical. Your kid will develop both his strategic and team skills, and maybe make a lot of friends!
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Volleyball for Kids
Teach kids to play volleyball!<br /><br />. The purpose of teaching children how to play volleyball and other activities for kids as such is for them to develop a passion for the sport or activity as well as to provide them more opportunities to spend their time and burn their energy in a fun and meaningful way.
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Track cycling for kids
Introduce your children to track cycling! Looking for healthy and affordable activities for kids? Track cycling could be the perfect option!
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Magicians for Kids
For truly enchanting kid's parties, consider bringing in the magicians!
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School Holiday Camps For Kids In WA
Reduce boredom during the school holidays!<br><br>Spending time at school holiday camps is an interesting way to keep them active and occupied.
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Drama and Emotional Intelligence: How Acting Helps Kids Understand Emotions
Acting classes empower kids with emotional intelligence. Explore the benefits today!
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Cricket Grounds for kids
Play cricket in Australia’s world-class cricket grounds! Cricket is one of Australia's most popular sports. Watch cricket in one of the largest cricket stadiums in the world or rent a local cricket ground for your kids.
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Indoor Sports for Kids
Champions in the making!<br><br>And your kids don’t have to miss out when the weather is bad!
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How to pick the correct martial arts school for your children
I was once told by a School Teacher that “Leisure should be pleasurable” and I always remembered that when I designed and taught my classes. I have been teaching karate to children and running my karate school for over 30 years and I know that most parents have absolutely no idea about martial arts. In this article I tell you how to find the best school and instructor for your kids.
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Dancing for Kids
Get your kids to start learning dancing, and let them find the type of dance they really like. There are many types of dances, from classical, academic to contemporary and more based on creativity, but they all make your kids learn discipline, elegance and
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Reptile Park for Kids
Your child can get up close and personal with their favourite scaly creatures!<br><br>Very popular with crocodile and snake loving kids and adults alike, a reptile park can be a fun and educational experience for the whole family!
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Soccer for Toddlers: A Guide to Starting Early
Soccer classes for toddlers are different from adult or older children's classes. They focus on building a strong foundation and a love for the game.
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Golf for Kids
Believe it or not, it's a game that can be played by all ages! Golf is a sport suited both to boys and girls and lessons can start from any age. If your kids can pick up a club, they can learn to take a swing!
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Dance & karaoke for kids
Let the inner star of your child shine out through dance and karaoke! Dance & karaoke are the top choice for throwing a celebration because energetic kids in Australia love to play fun-filled activities especially when dancing and singing are involved. With the latest hits who would not want to sing and dance to the music?
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Conducting for kids
We've all seen refined gentlemen acting as conductors of grand orchestras. But did you know kids lessons are available in music conducting? Learning to conduct is a great exercise for kids which educates them about a range of things about music. It can also improve their brain function and social skills in ways that will benefits lots of other areas of their lives.
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