Water Fun Park for Kids
Keep cool during summer at a water fun park!<br><br>Especially popular during the summer, these facilities can provide a fun day out for all the family!
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Meditation for Kids
Let your kids tap in to the power of their mind with meditation!<br><br>Learning meditation can equip your child with valuable skills that may last them a lifetime!
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How to raise brave kids - that understand FEAR
When confronted by someone or an unusual event we are often surprised by our body's reaction, often interpreted as 'Fear'. At a physiological level our body is dumped with adrenalin which makes our muscles ready to fight or flee from any perceived attack or stressful situation, that is our 'fight' or 'flight' instinct. These two primordial responses are most obvious in children who will run away or lash out when stressed.
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Windsurfing for Kids
Keep cool in summer with this exciting water sport!<br><br>This fast-paced extreme sport is a fun activity for kids and adults alike!
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Police Citizens Youth Clubs for kids (PCYC)
Let your kids enjoy a new activity that will motivate them to participate in community safety! PCYC or Police Citizens Youth Clubs for kids in Australia gives the youth opportunities through recreational and educational programs.
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Beach Volley For Kids In Sydney
Get fit while having fun in the sun!<br><br>Beach volley is one of the most popular beach sports and recreational activities for kids, as well as for teens and adults.
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Jazz for Kids
Let your kids discover different music styles by introducing them to jazz!<br><br>Improvisation plays a big part in this music style which makes it great for creative kids who love music!
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Themed Birthday Parties: A Guide to Creating an Enchanting World for Your Child
Adapt classic party games like musical chairs or pin the tail on the donkey to fit your theme. For example, it could be "Save the Princess" or "Rescue the Stolen Treasure."
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Gymkhana for kids
Encourage your little horse riders to join gymkhana events! If your kids are into equestrian, then they most likely want to try gymkhana, which is an equestrian event focused on speed pattern racing and timed games.
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Guitar schools for kids
Unleash your child's inner Jimi Hendrix! Many scientific research have highlighted the benefits of learning a musical instrument from a young age, listing creativity, discipline and patience as areas that will stay with a child through to adulthood.
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Pottery For Kids
Your kids can enjoy moulding, shaping and creating their own unique pieces!<br><br>Kids’ pottery can help encourage your child’s creativity!
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It's just creative writing – right?
Do you have a child who struggles at school? Is not motivated? Simply hates it! The very last thing you’d consider is more learning – right. But perhaps if you spin that all around, you could arrive at a different point. A new starting point. Where your child can do something important, like learn how to use their imagination, and they might feel a little differently about things.
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Adventure Play Park for Kids
Spend a whole weekend having fun in family! Adventure play parks provide fun outdoor activities for your kids to freely express themselves. It is a great way for them to mix outdoors, sports, fun, and social interactions with other kids of their age.
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Cubs For Kids
Make a great leader out of your kids!<br><br>Scouts Australia is a youth organisation for kids and young adults aged 6 to 26. It is part of the worldwide Scouting movement. Scouting was founded in Australia in 1908 by Lord Baden-Powell. Before it used to be just for boys, but starting 1971, they have also been accepting girls.<br><br>Cub Scouts, or Cubs, is part of Scouts Australia. It includes boys and girls cubs aged 7 ® to 11. A group of cubs is called a pack, made up of 20 cub scouts or less. The uniforms of the cubs in Australia are navy blue short sleeved shirts with yellow collar, sleeves, and shoulders.
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Aqua Fun Park for Kids
With Australia's hot summers, aqua fun parks are a great way to cool off and have fun for the entire family.Even babies and toddlers can splash around in the kids' pool while older children can get their thrills from faster slides and water based rides.
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Dance & karaoke for kids
Let the inner star of your child shine out through dance and karaoke! Dance & karaoke are the top choice for throwing a celebration because energetic kids in Australia love to play fun-filled activities especially when dancing and singing are involved. With the latest hits who would not want to sing and dance to the music?
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Train model making for kids
Teach your kids how to build a model railroad! Model train sets add extra fun because kids not only get to play with miniature trains, but also watch them go around miniature buildings and mountains on a model railway. Buy your kids a starter kit so they can learn to make their own!
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