Softball for kids
Let your kids experience softball for kids - one of the many sports for kids which can be played by toddlers and children! Softball for kids is the same as baseball for kids, including the rules of the game, except that toddlers and children don’t have to fear getting hit by the ball. Softball for kids is modified according to children’s age so that they can progress to another level as they develop their physical strengths on a game of team sports.
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Judo for Kids
Judo could be perfect for kids who love to wrestle!<br>It will be of interest for parents who are looking for well rounded kids? activities!
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Elevate Your Child's Confidence: Exploring the Marvels of Kids' Self Defence Classes
These classes aren't just about learning moves; they're about fostering situational awareness, teaching your child to recognize potential risks, and nurturing the ability to de-escalate conflicts. It's like providing them with a super toolkit filled with safety smarts!
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Aikido classes and lessons
Fighting isnt always bad, let your kids defend themselves through Aikido classes and lessons! Aikido is a martial arts that is easier to grasp than most martial arts. It is a non-violent martial arts brought to Australia in 1965. Aikido is the martial arts for your kids!
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Picking the perfect dance school using your 5 senses
Remember that moment when your son or daughter looked up at you with big puppy dog eyes and said "I want to start dancing"? It has been at the forefront of their imagination and nag-ation (that's not really a word but it means constant nagging) and now you're convinced that it's what they really want to do. This article addresses how your five senses can assist in choosing the best dance school for them.
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Trumpet for Kids
Looking for a loud, gutsy instrument that allows your child to make their mark in the school band?<br><br>By blowing through the mouthpiece and pressing different valves, your child can enjoy making music in a number of different styles!
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Country dancing for kids
Want something entertaining, upbeat kind of dance for your kids to learn? Then choose country dancing! Australia is known for having a lively dance scene that has evolved rapidly since the colonial times and country dancing has become one of the established dance fashions that is still enjoyed by many today. Let your kids join and add to the liveliness of the dance floor with country dancing!
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How to help children learn more through creativity
Our children are becoming less creative than those of a few decades ago and it could be affecting their ability to learn. Studies have shown the children’s creativity tends to decrease with age. Most notably from kindergarten to grade three.<br> Using imagination and creativity is vital to children’s individual mental health and this article shares how you can encourage your child to be more creative.
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Astronomy for Kids
Take your kids on a journey to the stars!<br><br>Stimulate your child’s mind and broaden their knowledge of stars, planets, galaxies and the sun with astronomy based kids activities!
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Tips to encourage your child to practice playing a musical instrument
It never ceases to amaze me how much difficulty some parents find in encouraging their child to practice playing a musical instrument. Very few younger aged students will practice of their own volition. Not many five year old kids will say to their parents “Now please excuse me, I am about to head into my room to practice the piano for the next hour or two”. However, we have found that the more actively parents are involved, the more the child will feel there is a reason to practice.
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National Parks For Kids In The Melbourne Region
Spending the weekend in Victoria? Make it worthwhile by bringing your kids to national parks in Melbourne region!<br><br>Melbourne is known as the Cultural Capital of Australia, since most international cultural events and festivals, such as the Melbourne International Arts Festival and Melbourne International Film Festival, take place here.
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Joeys For Kids
A great way for adventurous kids to make new friends while learning useful life skills!<br><br>Scouts are an institution in Australia and around the world and provide a great opportunity for kids to learn a broad range of skills and have fun in a safe environment!
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Harmonica for Kids
Your child can express their musical talent anywhere with an instrument that fits in their pocket!<br><br>Most often heard in blues and folk music, the harmonica is fun to play and very versatile!
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5 benefits children may gain from learning Taekwon-Do
Taekwon-Do is primarily the Korean art of self defence. It is also a lot more than just learning kicks, punches, blocks and dodges. It can help to improve a person's physical strength, mental concentration and self confidence just to name a few. This article outlines five key benefits children can access by practising Taekwon-Do.
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The Ultimate Guide to Themed Birthday Party Venues for Kids
it's time to get planning! Remember to tailor your choice to your child's interests and preferences. Whether they want to be a wizard, a pirate, or explore the depths of the ocean
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Soccer for Kids
A great team and tactic sports! Soccer, or European Football, is a great way for your kids to get fun with friends or family in a park, or can be played professionally in a club. Competition or just fun, whatever the case, your kids will love it.
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Jujitsu for Kids
Try jujitsu for a martial art that develops mind, body and spirit!<br><br>A great way for kids to keep fit and learn valuable personal skills at the same time!
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