Aikido coaches & instructors
Aikido will help instill discipline in your kids! Getting toddlers started at a young age will ensure that they grow up confident, with the added benefit of learning self-defense.
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Introduction to Rock Climbing for Kids
Explore the benefits and safety of rock climbing for kids, including gear advice and choosing the best climbing programmes in Australia – a guide for adventurous families.
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Tai Chi for kids
Get to know the martial art that is for both self-defence and for health and fitness! . It is important that parents get their children engaged to activities for kids that will not only benefit their physical health, but also their mental wellbeing. Tai Chi for kids can give your toddlers the health and fitness benefits they need!
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4 reasons hip hop dancers should take a ballet class
I was a self proclaimed “anti-ballerina”, leotards and tights made me feel self-conscious and I was often heard telling people “I wasn’t built for ballet.” No, I didn’t (and still don’t) have amazing feet or great turn out and I’m not super flexible. Nor do I possess any of the ideal physical traits of your stereotypical ballerina.<br> But, I have a new mantra now. “Nobody was built for ballet. Ballet was built for us.”<br> This is a first-hand account explaining exactly how ballet can improve your child's hip hop performance.
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Gymnastics for Toddlers: Building Foundations for a Lifetime of Activity
Gymnastic classes for toddlers are conducted in a safe and child-friendly environment. Equipment is designed for their size and safety, allowing them to explore and learn with confidence.
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Abseiling for kids
Let your kids reach great heights and witness a spectacular view of nature! Abseiling gives your kids the chance to take the frontrow seat to nature's glory.
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Music teachers for kids
Help your kids reach their full music potential! Do you want ensure your kid's progress when it comes to playing music? Enrol them under music teachers! Music teachers provide your children with the necessary instructions to help your child be the best performer he can be. Help your kids be the next guitar hero!
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Clarinet for Kids
If your child is keen to learn a musical instrument, try the clarinet!<br><br>A standard fixture in school bands across the country, the clarinet is easy and fun to play and a great way to start your kids on a musical instrument!
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Ball Sports For Kids
Are your kids sporty? Introduce them to ball sports!<br><br>Sports are important to keep your kids active and physically fit. That?s why schools have physical education classes where kids are required to participate in different sports. The most popular sports among them are ball sports.
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School Holiday Programs for Kids
Are you looking for a way to entertain your kids during the summer holidays?
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Darts for kids
Let your kids shoot for the bull?s eye! Dart games are fun and educational, making them an ideal activity for your kids!
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Horse Riding for Kids
A great acrtivity in direct contact with animals and nature, that will help develop your kid's maturity and responsibility while he'll have to take care of his horse.
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Ballet Dancing for Kids
A very graceful and academic art that your child will love to perform. They can start learning from any age and will learn discipline and elegance among may other benefits this classical art provides.
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Violins for Kids
Do your kids have an interest in music? They might enjoy learning the violin. A violin, sometimes referred to as a fiddle, is a wooden instrument which is played by moving a bow across four strings. The violin is believed to originate in Europe in the 19th century and has since become popular worldwide. It is the smallest of the string instruments and has a higher pitched sound than other instruments in its family, including the cello and the viola.
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Creativity: The Benefits of Drawing Classes for Kids
Discover how drawing classes boost kids' motor skills, emotional expression, and social development, while nurturing creativity and confidence.
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Remote Control Toys For Kids
Remote control toys for kids are great gifts for Christmas and birthdays!<br><br>They are also called radio control cars (or other toy) because radio signals are used to control the cars' movement.
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Pilates For Kids
Lead your kids into a healthy lifestyle. Do Pilates together!<br><br>Pilates is a form of exercise developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. It is a physical fitness system intended to strengthen the mind and the body as Joseph Pilates believed that mental and physical health are connected. He also believes that Pilates uses the mind to control the muscles. In 1934, he discussed in his book, Your Health, about his concern with the state of kids health.
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