The Magic of Early Dance for Kids
Explore how early dance forms like Jazz and Ballet can, boost childrens confidence, creativity, and social skills in a fun, engaging way.
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Kites For Kids
Get out in the fresh air with this classic among kids’ activities!<br><br>Popular all over Australia for its simplicity and appeal to all ages, kite flying is great entertainment on a windy day!
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Taekwondo for Kids
For a martial art that can build kids? confidence and self esteem why not try taekwondo?<br>It has evolved into a form of self defence and even an Olympic level game!
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Rising Up the Ranks: Karate Belts
Encourage your child to embrace each belt, learn from it, and aim for the next one with determination and enthusiasm. Your support and involvement in their Karate journey will be invaluable, fostering a love for martial arts and instilling life skills that will benefit them for years to come.
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Rock climbing for kids
Harness your kids’ strength in sports! Rock climbing is probably one of the sports which have a lot of similarities to the climbing techniques of the primitive man when vines were considered ropes and survival was the ultimate goal for wanting altitude. Today, rock climbing is a sport which is both physically and mentally challenging for any age - just as it was for the caveman who climbed up and down for food and safe ground.
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All about children’s foreign language contests
Children who learn a foreign language can participate in language contests which give them the opportunities to win attractive prizes, gain unique experiences, and even experience overseas travel. This article walks you through each of the major language competitions available in Australia.
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How Drama Classes Can Help Children Overcome Shyness
Children learn to project their voices, articulate their thoughts, and express their emotions in a supportive environment. This gradual process helps shy children gain the confidence to speak up and interact with others.
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Triathlons for Kids
Give your child the ultimate challenge and enter them into a triathlon!<br><br>Very popular in Australia for all ages, kids’ triathlons can be a fun way for your children to challenge themselves and get fit!
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Starting Your Child in Archery
Discover how to introduce your child to archery in Australia, focusing on readiness, finding the best coaches and classes, and the enriching benefits of this sport.
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Remote Control Toys For Kids
Remote control toys for kids are great gifts for Christmas and birthdays!<br><br>They are also called radio control cars (or other toy) because radio signals are used to control the cars' movement.
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Self defence clubs for kids
Join Self-defence clubs to build your kids' character and confidence! Self-defence clubs for kids will help your children learn skills that will help them defend themselves in a variety of threatening situations. It is a non-aggressive art that will build your kids' physique and ensure their safety.
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Ball Sports For Kids
Are your kids sporty? Introduce them to ball sports!<br><br>Sports are important to keep your kids active and physically fit. That?s why schools have physical education classes where kids are required to participate in different sports. The most popular sports among them are ball sports.
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Wing Chun for kids
Encourage your children to try Wing Chun for kids. They might be the next Bruce Lee! Wing Chun, practised in over 64 countries (including Australia) is the world's most popular form of southern kung fu. Your children can learn this great activity for kids from a young age!
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Cycling for Kids
Get your kids into the cycling world, a very versatile sport! <br><br>In Australia there are many ways kids can get involved in cycling both competitively and for leisure.
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Bagpipe for kids
Let your kids connect with other cultures by playing bagpipes! Bagpipes are musical instruments that use enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. They are traditionally used to provide music for dances and funerals. Get your outdoorsy kids to play this loud instrument!
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The Ultimate Guide to Themed Birthday Party Venues for Kids
it's time to get planning! Remember to tailor your choice to your child's interests and preferences. Whether they want to be a wizard, a pirate, or explore the depths of the ocean
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Painting For Kids
Creative kids will love messing about with paints and making their own artwork!<br><br>Fun, creative and budget friendly, painting is something kids can enjoy no matter what their age or level of skill!
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