Aikido classes and lessons
Fighting isnt always bad, let your kids defend themselves through Aikido classes and lessons! Aikido is a martial arts that is easier to grasp than most martial arts. It is a non-violent martial arts brought to Australia in 1965. Aikido is the martial arts for your kids!
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The Great Aussie Birthday Bash in Nature
From mobile farms and animals to kids' sports parties, there's something for every child's interest. So, go ahead, embrace the beauty of the great outdoors, and give your little one a birthday party they'll never forget!
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Picnics for Kids
Picnics make a picture-perfect family memory!<br><br>Picnics are a great way to pass a lazy weekend afternoon in Australia – a game of Frisbee, shady spots by a river or in a park and plenty of food that can be as easy or fancy as you like!
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Indoor Soccer (Futsal) For Kids
The most popular sport today: soccer! Get your kids to try it indoors!<br><br>Indoor soccer, also known as futsal, is simpler version of the regular soccer. The same rules apply but it is played on a smaller indoor field, almost the size of a basketball court, and played with a smaller and heavier ball (for it to bounce less). Indoor soccer was introduced in Australia in 1971. Now there are 18,000 registered indoor soccer players and 120,000 social participants in competitions nationwide.<br><br>
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Jewellery Making Activities for Kids
If your kids like to be creative, they will love making their own jewellery!
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Play Parks for your Kids
Try to get your kids to a play park each month, and let them be socially active! Fun, friends, running, playing... Play parks are the best place for your kids to freely express themselves.
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Community centres
Have you ever taken your kids along to your local community centre? If not, check it out today - community organisations often run events and programmes at these venues which are low cost and designed to support the well being and enjoyment of families and their kids. Your kids can participate in lots of good causes as well as making friends and having a great time!
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School Holiday Camps For Kids In WA
Reduce boredom during the school holidays!<br><br>Spending time at school holiday camps is an interesting way to keep them active and occupied.
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Dance & karaoke for kids
Let the inner star of your child shine out through dance and karaoke! Dance & karaoke are the top choice for throwing a celebration because energetic kids in Australia love to play fun-filled activities especially when dancing and singing are involved. With the latest hits who would not want to sing and dance to the music?
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5 Basic Skills in Cheer Dance
Explore the 5 essential cheer dance skills every aspiring cheerleader should master. From dynamic jumps and tumbling to precise motions and teamwork-driven stunts, find out how your child can shine in Australia's cheerleading scene.
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Surfing for Kids
Your kids will love surfing and will enjoy this amazing sport with friends! He'll get in touch with nature, and discover the real benefits of this famous water sport.
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Indoor Sports for Kids
Champions in the making!<br><br>And your kids don’t have to miss out when the weather is bad!
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How to help your child overcome stage fright
How are you meant to make your child feel comfortable on stage? They love performing but the fear can be overwhelming. It can be really scary being so small and in front of a big audience! These simple strategies include assisting with preparation, affirmations and dealing with those dreaded butterflies in the belly - find out how you can work with your child (or students) to move them beyond the fear.
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Bodyboarding for Kids
Make a splash with this sensational water sport!<br><br>A great way to introduce kids to surfing,surfing or as a sport in its own right, bodyboarding is fun and exciting!
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Museum for Kids
Let your kids explore strange new worlds at a museum!<br><br>Why not give your kids a chance to time travel into the past and sometimes even the future.
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School holiday soccer camps
Play The Beautiful Game during the Holidays! Soccer (or European Football) is the world's most popular sport. Many sports clubs in Australia offer school holiday soccer camps for kids for a small fee where they can learn basic skills like dribbling, passing and shooting. Let your kids learn to score like Cristiano Ronaldo!
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Youth Centres for Kids
Looking for somewhere your kids can spend time and learn new skills?
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