Self defence: A lesson in safer living
Self Defence is much less about one's ability to fight and more about knowledge of one's self and environment. We are born with a natural instinct for survival and self preservation but in our modern 'civilised' society much of this instinct has been conditioned out of us, particularly in women. This article
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Table Tennis for your Kids
If your kids want to develop their hand eye co-ordination table tennis may be the answer!<br>Great for confined spaces and indoors, it has become a fiercely competitive sport that goes all the way up to Olympic level!
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Amusement centres for kids
Spend more time with your kids! Amusement centres can be a great place for you to be with your kids effortlessly.
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Soccer for Toddlers: A Guide to Starting Early
Soccer classes for toddlers are different from adult or older children's classes. They focus on building a strong foundation and a love for the game.
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Oztag for kids
Get tagged with OzTag! As a variant of tag rugby, OzTag is a non-contact team game that can be enjoyed by people of all athletic abilities from ages 6 to 60.
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School Holiday Camps For Kids In WA
Reduce boredom during the school holidays!<br><br>Spending time at school holiday camps is an interesting way to keep them active and occupied.
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Resilience and Good Health
Find out how you can make your kids more resilient. Resilience is an important emotional and social skill that will help your child deal with life's hurdles.
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Early Learning For Kids
Know the importance of early learning to your kids!<br><br>Early learning begins even before a child is born. Science has proven kids hear and recognize their mother's voice while they are still inside her womb. Kids are active learners and are naturally curious – they tend to learn better on their own and don't need to be taught in order to learn. Everything that they encounter is a kids learning experience, even those outside of school.
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Rollerblading for kids
Make rollerblading a regular family activity! Rollerblading, also called inline skating, has the same speed and fluidity of ice skating. The sport is considered today as one of the most fun activities for kids around the world, including Australia. Why don’t you and your children give rollerblading a try?
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Rising Up the Ranks: Karate Belts
Encourage your child to embrace each belt, learn from it, and aim for the next one with determination and enthusiasm. Your support and involvement in their Karate journey will be invaluable, fostering a love for martial arts and instilling life skills that will benefit them for years to come.
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The History of Soccer and Its Influence on Today's Soccer Clubs
Soccer clubs have also embraced technology and data analysis to improve player development. This has led to a more scientific approach to training, ensuring that young talents receive the best possible coaching and support to reach their full potential.
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Seven reasons to learn Taekwondo
Taekwondo is more than just a sport, it’s a discipline for success in life. The relationship between student and a master at Wylie Taekwondo is a sacred one, with benefits reach-ing far beyond the four walls of the dojo. Most students will report it can infiltrate every area of your life. Here we have listed 7 key life benefits of choosing practice taekwondo.
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5 reasons your kids should take dance classes
For most students, what is learned in dance class goes beyond the dance studio and penetrates every area of their lives. This expert contribution includes the top five benefits of taking a dance class.
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5 benefits children may gain from learning Taekwon-Do
Taekwon-Do is primarily the Korean art of self defence. It is also a lot more than just learning kicks, punches, blocks and dodges. It can help to improve a person's physical strength, mental concentration and self confidence just to name a few. This article outlines five key benefits children can access by practising Taekwon-Do.
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Soccer Basics: A Guide for Aussie Parents and Kids
From soccer classes and lessons to joining local associations, your kids are in for a wild ride of fun, friendship, and learning. Remember, it's not about becoming the next soccer superstar – it's about enjoying the game, growing as a person, and maybe scoring a few goals along the way.
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How to motivate your child to learn a second language
Learning a second language is a fun exploration of another culture. Children learning a second language gain advantages in having better problem solving skills, improved language skills including their first language, and overall higher academic performance compared to their peers who are monolinguals. They would also enjoy better university and career opportunities.
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How to help your child overcome stage fright
How are you meant to make your child feel comfortable on stage? They love performing but the fear can be overwhelming. It can be really scary being so small and in front of a big audience! These simple strategies include assisting with preparation, affirmations and dealing with those dreaded butterflies in the belly - find out how you can work with your child (or students) to move them beyond the fear.
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