Hobbies For Kids
Give your kids something to occupy themselves in their spare time!<br><br> Hobbies are anything your child likes to do in their spare time and can be as diverse as arts and crafts, cooking or driving remote control cars. As well as giving kids something to do with their time, hobbies can be educational and a great way to make friends!
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Backyard Cricket and Beach Cricket
Looking for something to do on a sunny afternoon? <br>Backyard or beach cricket is a great way to spend an afternoon with family and friends!
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Cafes with kids play areas
Keep your kids entertained in a cafe! Let your children stay at the play area and they might even make a new friend!
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Magic clubs for kids
It's not fun to do magic on your own! Magic clubs provide ways for magicians to come together and sharpen their craft. Australia was one of the first countries to have a magic club, with the establishment of the Australian Society of Magicians in 1907. Will your child be the next David Blaine?
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Classical Dance for Kids
Get your kid to learn classical dance, and let him/her enjoy this amazing art... Grace, fitness, concentration, discipline and agility are some of the major benefits this art could bring to your kids.
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Tennis for Kids
Get your kid to start Tennis and compare to Roger Federer! Your kids may start learning quite young, and will quickly have fun playing it. Double or singles, in family or with friends, your children will love sharing that sportive moment.
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Trumpet for Kids
Looking for a loud, gutsy instrument that allows your child to make their mark in the school band?<br><br>By blowing through the mouthpiece and pressing different valves, your child can enjoy making music in a number of different styles!
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Community For Kids
Let your kids develop social awareness in their own way. Involve them in community activities!<br><br>A community is a group of people living closely together and sharing a common interest. It is also the society as a whole.<br><br>Kids, as young as possible, should have social awareness and be able to contribute to the community.
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Tips to encourage your child to practice playing a musical instrument
It never ceases to amaze me how much difficulty some parents find in encouraging their child to practice playing a musical instrument. Very few younger aged students will practice of their own volition. Not many five year old kids will say to their parents “Now please excuse me, I am about to head into my room to practice the piano for the next hour or two”. However, we have found that the more actively parents are involved, the more the child will feel there is a reason to practice.
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Bush Walking for Kids
Help your kids experience the wonders of the Australian bush!<br><br>Why not “go bush” this weekend?
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Cello for Kids
Are your kids looking for a musical experience that will really challenge them?<br><br>A member of the violin family, the cello’s distinctive sound makes it a very rewarding instrument to play!
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How to choose a self defence school
Not every martial arts school teaches what they say they do. There are many definitions of what is taught - this article looks at what these definitions are, popular misconceptions, how you can get the most out of your training and what to look for when selecting a self-defence school.
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Girls Brigade For Kids
Young ones can make influential contributions to the community and the world!<br><br>The Girls Brigade is an international Christian youth organisation that started in Dublin, Ireland in 1893. It was founded on two pillars: the Bible class and physical training. Now The Girls Brigade operates in more than 60 countries, including Australia. The first International Conference was held in Australia in 1998, and is held every four years.
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School holiday soccer camps
Play The Beautiful Game during the Holidays! Soccer (or European Football) is the world's most popular sport. Many sports clubs in Australia offer school holiday soccer camps for kids for a small fee where they can learn basic skills like dribbling, passing and shooting. Let your kids learn to score like Cristiano Ronaldo!
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Team Sports For Kids
Who doesn't enjoying playing with friends? Introduce your kids to team sports!<br><br>A sport is a way to keep kids and adults active, fit, and healthy. Nowadays, people lack exercise because they sometimes think that staying inside and playing video games or watching TV is more fun. Studies show that only 1 out of 4 kids participate in physical activities like sports. Sports make exercise an enjoyable and social event. There are two types of sports: individual sports and team sports. Team sports are the most ideal sports for kids because they involve players working together as a team (with 2 or more members) to reach their objective, which is to win. As the saying goes, the more the merrier.
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Windsurfing for Kids
Keep cool in summer with this exciting water sport!<br><br>This fast-paced extreme sport is a fun activity for kids and adults alike!
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Indoor Play Park for Kids
Are your younger kids exploding with energy and do you need a place to help them burn it off? An indoor play park is a quick, affordable way for them to tear around without destroying the house or garden!
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