Adventure Clubs for Kids
Join an adventure club and discover the great outdoors!<br><br>Give your kids a chance to experience the great diversity of the Australian outdoors!
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Indoor Soccer (Futsal) For Kids
The most popular sport today: soccer! Get your kids to try it indoors!<br><br>Indoor soccer, also known as futsal, is simpler version of the regular soccer. The same rules apply but it is played on a smaller indoor field, almost the size of a basketball court, and played with a smaller and heavier ball (for it to bounce less). Indoor soccer was introduced in Australia in 1971. Now there are 18,000 registered indoor soccer players and 120,000 social participants in competitions nationwide.<br><br>
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Bike Trails for Kids
Bike trails make two-wheel outdoor and adventure fun for the whole family!<br><br>Bike trails are a safe and fun way for you and your kids to have an outdoor adventure!
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Sports Camps For Kids In QLD
The best way to train your little athletes is through sports camps!<br><br>Keep your children physically fit and active even during kids school holidays.
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Gymkhana Clubs for kids
Let Your Kids Learn The Ropes of Gymkhana! Gymkhana is a sport for kids and adults which involves obstacles, races, and relays. It is a fun sport which may be played individually or by teams. It is a stepping stone for kids to get comfortable in riding their ponies, and develop their riding skills for a future in Rodeo!
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Creative Kids School Holiday Activities in Australia
Unlock your child's creative potential this holiday with fun Arts & Crafts activities! From pottery to graphic design, find engaging workshops for kids of all ages in Australia.
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Benefits of Karate Classes & Lessons for Kids
Karate classes offer a holistic approach to children's development by nurturing physical fitness, mental focus, emotional well-being, and essential life skills.
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Trapeze For Kids
Join the circus and learn the flying trapeze!<br><br>Originally a circus performance act, the flying trapeze has become a new sport and fitness craze across Australia!
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Bass Guitar for Kids
Let your kids channel their inner rock star with the bass guitar!<br><br>Bass guitarists are a feature of most bands and although they are often in the background, their contribution to the performance as a whole is vitally important!
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Seven reasons to learn Taekwondo
Taekwondo is more than just a sport, it’s a discipline for success in life. The relationship between student and a master at Wylie Taekwondo is a sacred one, with benefits reach-ing far beyond the four walls of the dojo. Most students will report it can infiltrate every area of your life. Here we have listed 7 key life benefits of choosing practice taekwondo.
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Performing Arts Workshop For Kids
Do your kids love to be under the spotlight? Then enhance their talents by sending them to a performing arts workshop!<br><br>Enrolling your kids in a performing arts workshop will teach them skills that they can apply in many ways. Hone your kids’ talents. They might also develop a passion for the performing arts in the future. Enrol them in a performing arts workshop!
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Popular Summer Sports for Kids
Uncover the top summer sports for kids, including Cricket Clubs and Swimming Classes in Australia. Keep your child active and happy during the sunny season!
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What is the best age to learn public speaking?
Whether your child is just starting to string sentences together or is navigating the complexities of adolescence, now is the perfect time to encourage them to raise their voice and share their thoughts with the world
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5 things you can do to set your child up for a great cricket season
Not every game of cricket is a winner, but with the right preparation you can help your child to feel like a winner every time! These five tips will help you to encourage your child into the sport and ensure they feel supported and successful.
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Theatre for Kids
Harness your child’s imagination!<br><br>A fantastic way for your kids to unearth their creativity!
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Martial Arts for Kids
Let your kids learn self defence while getting fit and having fun! <br>Martial arts is a type of training which was originally designed to help fighters preparing for combat.
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How to help your child overcome stage fright
How are you meant to make your child feel comfortable on stage? They love performing but the fear can be overwhelming. It can be really scary being so small and in front of a big audience! These simple strategies include assisting with preparation, affirmations and dealing with those dreaded butterflies in the belly - find out how you can work with your child (or students) to move them beyond the fear.
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