Adventure activities for kids
Adventure activities helps make kids imaginative and energetic! Engaging children in adventure games, be it outdoors or indoors, will ensure that your kids are having fun while participating in lively activities!
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Acrobats for kids
Let your kids dance their way to the top! Do your kids enjoy seeing acrobat performers swinging and dancing in mid-air? Are they fascinated by the sight of ballet dancers that perform astonishing dance moves and routines? If your answer is YES, acrobats for kids will most likely be best for them, as an extra-curricular activity or as a talent that they can pursue professionally.
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Aqua Fun Park for Kids
With Australia's hot summers, aqua fun parks are a great way to cool off and have fun for the entire family.Even babies and toddlers can splash around in the kids' pool while older children can get their thrills from faster slides and water based rides.
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Snowboarding Clubs for Kids
What better way to enjoy the snow than with the whole family on the slopes!<br /><br />. Being naturally energetic, participating in winter sports is a great way to burn their energy, while having fun and keeping fit. Snowboarding, introduced in Australia in 1998, is a popular snow sport among kids today.
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Baseball for Kids
If your kids are team sports players who are looking for something new, they might like to try baseball. Baseball can be a fabulous activity for kids with energy to burn. It's a relatively simple game, played with a bat and a ball between two opposing teams. Teams take turns to hit the ball and try to run around a diamond shaped course before the ball is caught and returned by the opposing team. The team with the most 'runs' at the end wins the game.
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Pottery Painting For Kids
Let your child indulge their creative side with pottery painting!<br><br> Pottery painting involves painting pottery creations or ceramics with special paints. A versatile activity that can be done at home or a studio, pottery painting is a perfect party activity or just a fun leisure pursuit!
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Badminton for Kids
Badminton - a growing sport that can be played in the backyard or competitively on the court!<br>Great for fitness and fun and one of the activities for kids that can be enjoyed in the backyard during school holidays and weekends!
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How to help children learn more through creativity
Our children are becoming less creative than those of a few decades ago and it could be affecting their ability to learn. Studies have shown the children’s creativity tends to decrease with age. Most notably from kindergarten to grade three.<br> Using imagination and creativity is vital to children’s individual mental health and this article shares how you can encourage your child to be more creative.
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Art For Kids
Foster your kids? creativity by introducing them to the world of art!<br><br>Art can be anything that is a product of creativity. It can refer to painting, pottery, and other visual media. For kids to achieve their minds' full potential, expose them to art!
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Cross country skiing for kids
A fantastic way to spend the winter holidays with your tots is a seasonal sport such as cross country skiing for kids. Cross country skiing is a good way to improve your kids and your family’s overall health because of the health benefits you will get from it.
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What Age Should Your Child Start Swimming? Tips for Parents
Once kids hit the school-age range (6 to 8 years old), they've got the physical and mental capabilities to grasp more advanced swimming techniques.
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4 tips to staying healthy and fit over the Christmas holidays
Here are the top four tips to staying healthy over the Christmas holiday. 4. Stay Active - There are things to do over Christmas that don’t just involve a couch and a glass of wine. Try to stay as active as possible. Even play with your kids and their new toys as that is a low intensity exercises that burns fat. What’s not to enjoy about that?
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How to dress your children for exercise in winter
It seems really obvious right – put on a jumper! But knowing how to dress properly in winter is a bit of an art and can make a difference to children when participating in physical activities. This article includes three essential points that will help you to dress your child for physical activity in winter:
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School Holiday Activities For Kids
Keep your kids busy during school holidays! <br><br>Get them to go outside and breathe some fresh air with these ideas for school holiday activities for kids!
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Self defence clubs for kids
Join Self-defence clubs to build your kids' character and confidence! Self-defence clubs for kids will help your children learn skills that will help them defend themselves in a variety of threatening situations. It is a non-aggressive art that will build your kids' physique and ensure their safety.
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Ball Sports For Kids
Are your kids sporty? Introduce them to ball sports!<br><br>Sports are important to keep your kids active and physically fit. That?s why schools have physical education classes where kids are required to participate in different sports. The most popular sports among them are ball sports.
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