
GoGo Healthy Kids - Sports programs

Pre School Sports - Woollahra (New South Wales)
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Business Address: Schools and Sports fields Woollahra NSW 2025


Business contacts Daan Ranshuijsen

Australian Business Number (ABN) 16929925781

Registered child care provider number No

Parental supervision Drop-off

Kids age groups 4-6 years old, 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, 13-15 years old

Cafeteria on site No

Disability and special needs facilities No

Costs Per session / class, Per term

Details of these costs $150 per School Term and $55 per day Holidays program

Opening & Closing time 7am - 5pm

This business has no special offers.

Morning Fitness Fun Woollahra Pre School Sports _small

Morning Fitness Fun

Event price: Under $20, $50+

Price details: Discounted Term $150 Casual Class $20

Age group accepted: 5-8 year olds, 8-10 year olds, 10-12 year olds

Parental Supervision: Drop Off


Our classes are designed to have have fun and making sure children have an active and healthy start of the day, so they are more concentrated during the school day.

Join our 10 week Morning Fitness Fun Program at your school now. There is no better way than a Fun & Activie start of your day. Our program has a different focus every week so children will improve their Fundamental movement skills, Coordination & Balance, Strength, Endurance, Speed, Educational Activities about Fitness, Health and Nutrion and lots of Fun activiities. At the end of every term there is a GoGo Fittest to monitor there improvement in all the different skills.

Some of the Activities included in our program are: Trampolines, Boxing, Relays, Ball Skills, Balance Balls, Balance Discs, Throwing & Catching, Skipping and lots more..

GoGo Sports
Does you child likes sports and being active but can't choose his/ her favourite? Try our new GoGo Sports program. A mix of fundamental movements skills, fun activities and every week we will focus on a different sport. What about Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, T-Ball, Cricket, Footy, Volleyball, Boxing, Athletics and Gymnastics.. Try them all in our new 10 week program!!

Discounted School Terms or Casual Classes available. Please enrol via our website to confirm your spot.

Discounted Term $150
Casual Class $20

Please find all T&C on http://www.gogohealthykids.com.au/page/t__c.html

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