Aquatic Centres for Kids in the Perth Region

Western Australia (WA)

Best match results for aquatic centres for kids in the Perth Region + 30km.

    We are the leaders in Aquatic Education in Western Australia. Our intense swimming program is designed by Australia's leading swim school consultant Coach Cameron Roberts. To ensure continuity and quality with this program, all our teachers engage in monthly in house training. To gain maximum effect for the babies and children class sizes are small and we have invested in heat exchange pumps to ensure the water temperature is maintained as 32 degrees. Both of these allow babies and children to perform... Read more

    The Mandurah Recreation Centres are owned and operated by the City of Mandurah with two convenient locations, Mandurah and Halls Head. Together the facilities form the centrepiece of Mandurah's aquatic, fitness, indoor sporting and recreational community through the provision of a wide range of facilities, activities and specialised programs. The Mandurah Recreation Centres cater for all members of our community and place emphasis on creating the 'perfect family fit'. In essence we pride ourselves... Read more

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