Archery Activities for Kids in the Perth Region
Best match results for archery activities for kids in the Perth Region + 5km.
Archery Club affiliated with Archery WA, Archery Australia and World Archery. Catering for Compound and Recurve Archers in the disciplines of Target, Field and Clout archery. PLEASE NOTE WHITEMAN PARK ARCHERS IS A CLUB; IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR CONTACT DETAILS FOR THE PUBLIC ARCHERY PARK AT THE SHOOTING COMPLEX PLEASE CALL US. Read more
Welcome to Australia’s first and only full sized dedicated Public Archery Park situated on 50 acres of natural WA bushland. We cater for individuals, families and social groups who want to “have a go” at archery without the expense of purchasing archery equipment or joining an archery club. We have three archery trails to choose from plus a target lane that goes from 15m to 90m. Prices: 9 Target Beginners Trail $20.00 per person / round 15 Target Intermediate Trail... Read more
We come to you. School and university coaching, camps, birthday parties, social clubs, cooperate events, and much more. From serious Olympic style lessons to casual shooting, team building and parties. Read more