Archery Associations for Kids - Victoria (VIC)
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Throughout his years in the sport, Alec has noticed that when archery is mentioned, almost everyone exclaims how much they would like to try it... and then they never do! Through programs such as NASP, archery has shown itself to be not just a sport, but a life changing experience. From improving truancy rates, to increasing self confidence and the promotion of an active lifestyle. Archery has proven that it can make the difference. In an amateur sport where so many of our clubs are run by... Read more
Twin City Archers Gippsland is the premier archery club in Victoria based in Morwell, it has been active for approximately thirty years. Due to the incredible hard work and determination of our members we have managed to produce the best archery club and facility in Victoria. We believe in the challenge of competition and we believe in fun. As well as shooting arrows on the line, we also have a tendency to tell ridiculous jokes, joke around with each other always with safety of course, most importantly... Read more
Frankston Archery Club. FAC is a target Archery club that caters to all levels of archers from beginners to the more advanced competitor. We have Archery Australia accredited coaches and event judges who enjoy working with new and experienced archers to get the most enjoyment out of the sport. Come and Try sessions are run every Saturday morning at 9am and can be booked online on our webpage. Our members range in age from 8 to over 80 and we have a friendly and inclusive culture. Frankston... Read more
What happens when you combine Archery and Dodgeball.. you get something amazing, you get Arrow Tag! With just a foam-tipped arrow and one of our awesome coloured bows you can immerse yourself in an epic battle between friends, workmates and even just unsuspecting people you’ve just met! In every location where Archery Attack operates we run mobile Arrow Tag events. Just get a group together and then choose a location to play – because we’re fully mobile and can bring the fun to you. We can even... Read more
Sherbrooke Archers is a Target and field archery club. We hold introductory Come 'n' Try sessions each Sunday morning and run 4 week Instruction Programs each month. Details can be found on our website Read more
Lilydale Bowmen Inc, provides a field archery range that caters for many forms field archery. The club was started in 1977 by a handful of archery enthuses and today caters for an average of 150 members. Ever since the early days the club has been allowing members of the public to experience the pleasure of field archery through introductory courses'. These introductory courses are open to people from all age brackets (8 to 88) and all family members, there are run over 4 weeks with the club providing... Read more
Archers of Warrnambool - Warrnambool archery club - proudly affiliated with 3D Archery Association of Australia - fun for the whole family, Mum, Dad and kids are all welcome to come and try as well as anyone else interested in the sport of archery - Our indoor and outdoor range is located at 200 Buckleys Road Allensford, Victoria in the Big Red Shed - come & try and club practice shoots held most Saturdays from 1-3pm - Tuesday night shoots from 5-7pm coming soon! please feel free to contact us for... Read more
Angel archers Inc Offer Archery Australia accredited Coaches / Instructors WWC Certified National Judges Current State and National Champions We pride ourselves in promoting good sportsmanship expert safe tuition for aspiring archers within a fun safe and competitive sporting community. Read more