A perfect example of a complete rollerblading gear: online skates, helmet, gloves, elbow pads, and knee pads.

Rollerblading for kids

Rollerblading used to be an activity for ice skaters when training during dry seasons. Years later, heel brakes, ball bearings, and shock absorbent wheels were added to create rollerblades so that the activity can be enjoyed by everyone. Rollerblading, also called inline skating, has the same speed and fluidity of ice skating. The sport is considered today as one of the most fun activities for kids around the world, including Australia. Why don’t you and your children give rollerblading a try?

  • Category: Sports
  • Approximate age to start rollerblading: Around 4 years old
  • Approximate price: Skating rink – around $2 to $4; school holiday programs – around $65 per person
  • Gear/equipment needed and approximate price range: Inline skates/rollerblades ($20 to $35), knee pads, gloves, and elbow pads set ($10 to $15), helmet ($25 to $50)
  • Best period of the year: After school hours, weekends, and school holidays
  • School holiday programs available: YES
A perfect example of a complete rollerblading gear: online skates, helmet, gloves, elbow pads, and knee pads. A perfect example of a complete rollerblading gear: online skates, helmet, gloves, elbow pads, and knee pads.

A video of Rollerblading for kids

What better way to learn rollerblading than to learn from fellow kids? This six year old boy teaches some basic tricks and tips to get started with rollerblading.

Information on Rollerblading for kids

Is rollerblading a great activity for you kids?

Rollerblading for kids is a popular activity among toddlers and older kids today. It falls under the category of extreme sports, along with other kids activities like skateboarding for kids, ice skating, BMX biking, and snowboarding. It can be done outdoors during nice weather, or indoors, at skating rinks and sports centres. Rollerblading, or inline skating, is also a fun activity for the family, and a healthy activity that provides plenty of exercise.

What are the benefits that kids activities such as rollerblading can give to your children?

  • Rollerblading as a form of exercise
    Rollerblading can help strengthen and tone the thighs, calves, and hamstrings. Your kids can also get a great cardiovascular workout from rollerblading. Other health benefits that you can get from this activity include calorie burning, developing better balance, coordination, and agility.
  • Introduction to other sports
    Rollerblading can lead to many other sporting opportunities. There are rollerblading competitions but you can also introduce your kids to other sports that involve rollerblading or skating such as hockey and ice skating. The balance and coordination they acquired from rollerblading are also useful in other activities like biking, skateboarding, and snowboarding.
  • Mental wellbeing
    Rollerblading is fun and can give children the sense of accomplishment and mental wellbeing. Your kids can also feel a great sense of freedom while on rollerblades. When an activity is fun, the more you will enjoy it and practise it, and the more you will gain benefits from it.

Get your kids to start rollerblading!

To get started with rollerblading, there are rollerblading classes or programs that can teach your kids along with other children in a safe and friendly environment. If you want to teach them yourself, there are available videos and resources that tell you how to teach kids rollerblading. Learning together is great way to spend time together. Whether an experienced skater or a first timer, you need to make sure that your kids are aware of the safety rules. Make sure that they know how to stop safely, and to skate only on flat, paved surfaces.

Visit our ActiveActivities directory for available rollerblading school holiday programs and sport centres. All of the programs we have listed are recognized and are certified by Skate Australia, the governing body for all skating-based sports within Australia. We also have a list of skate shops where you can purchase rollerblading gear. Rollerblading safety gear consists of a helmet, elbow pads, wrist guards, and knee pads.

Rollerblading is a fun and healthy activity that should be encouraged with kids. Once they get in those inline skates, they might get addicted, but it’s a good and healthy kind of addiction!