- Joondalup, WA
- Business can travel to you
- Overall rating: 5.0
- Awards: #10 Most Popular in Australia for 2023
Preschool Sports in South West Country
Great Southern, Western Australia (WA)
Best match results for preschool sports in South West Country + 5km.
Grasshopper Soccer's goal is to teach kids how fun soccer can be! We aim to teach and develop soccer skills to children in a safe and enjoyable environment. Founded in 1990, we have 20 years of experience in sharing our love of sport with kids. Our programs are dynamic, growing and changing with us as we develop, ensuring children continue to love and enjoy this game. Grasshopper Soccer programs are designed for children aged 2-12 years. Each program provides a building block upon which children... Read more
Sundays in DUNCRAIG (Glengarry Park) during School Terms
Dates: from 08 Sep 2024 to 21 Apr 2025
We are excited to welcome everyone to our Duncraig Glengarry Park location (Opens During Winter Season) Sessions run every Sunday morning. The soccer classes are open to all kids of all skill levels from ages 2 to 12 years old! Girls and Boys are all welcome!
Overall rating: 5.0
Highly recommended
27-08-2020 by Max
Our daughter has been playing with GSPN for over a year and she loves it - the coaches are very supportive, making sure to get to know and encourage everyone throughout the session. Sessions are fun, with a learn through play approach with actual skills being developed (coordination, balance, focus etc.). Give them a try - you won't be disappointed!
Answer from Grasshopper Soccer Perth North on 01-09-2020:
Hey Max, than you for your review. We have seen your daughter playing with Grasshopper Soccer since about a year ago and it is a pleasure to see how she developed both socially and in her skills. Keep it up.
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