Wing Chun Activities for Kids in Victoria (VIC)
Best match results for wing chun activities for kids in Victoria.
Guests Martial Arts offers tailored programs for Kids, Teens, and Adults that have been expertly refined over the past 20+ years. Children's Programs: Ninja Stars: 4.5 to 7 years old Samurai Warriors: 8 to 10 years old Teen's Programs: Junior Adults: 11 to 14 years old Young Adults: 15 to 17 years old Adult's Programs: Japanese Jujutsu: 18+ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: 18+ Fitness Kickboxing: 15+ Why Guests Martial Arts? + Generous half-price trial offers, including a free uniform +... Read more
We are a Professional full time Martial Arts and Fitness center operating in Caroline Springs. With over 30 years of experience in the field we opened this Club in the heart of Caroline springs to introduce everyone to a wide variety of classes that offer Personal Fitness, Strength and Endurance Training, Self Defense, Flexibility and many more, all in one place where people of all ages can learn, train and grow in a safe friendly and fun environment. Our instructors are equipped with many years... Read more
Our facility treats students with all the undersatnding that they deserve. We offer a clean and safe atmosphere and we are sure that our school is developed to enhance self defence and combative success. We believe that Martial Arts can be for everyone, regardless of race, gender, age or religious values.We are focused and committed to helping you achieve all of your long term goals while training with us and are positive you will get the most out of your time invested here. Applied Wing Chun We... Read more
Free Introductory Class
Call us to book your FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS. These classes are available at the following times: Mondays at 7:00pm; Thursdays at 5:45pm and Saturdays at 10:30am
Wing Chun Kung Fu Greensborough school is located in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. The wing chun school teaches traditional wing chun, wooden dummy, self defence, chi sao and wing chun forms. Wing chun kung fu martial arts for Children centre teaches traditional wing chun, wooden dummy, wing chun formd, chi sao and wing chun techniques to males and females every day except Fridays.Sifu Garry and Sifu Linda are the principle wing chun teachers.Wing chun kung fu martial arts for Children is owned... Read more
Sifu Maurice currently teaches Sport & Street Wing Chun Kung Fu in Melbourne at 36 Angelique Grove, Albanvale. This is located right next to the Brimbank Shopping Center. Classes are held 5 days per week for adults and 3 times per week for children for ages between 7 to 12. This Academy has more traditional kung fu equipment than any other with 6 wooden dummies and 10 leather wall bags. Read more
Wing Chun is a close range form of martial arts that uses economy of movement, shortest distance and the fastest way to subdue or deter an attacker. It was introduced by a Buddhist Nun called Ng Mui who was inspired by confrontation between a crane and a snake. The style was named after her first student family name and passed down through generations; it spread and made its mark in the Futshan province in the Kwangtung area. It then ended up in Hong Kong, where it became one of the most popular... Read more
Shaolin jee shin wing chun kung fu is owned and operated by sifu garry and sifu linda baniecki. The schools are open 6 days per week teaching wing chun forms, wooden dummy, chi sao, wing chun techniques and chinese weapons.Sifu Garry and Sifu Linda Baniecki are Nationally Recognised Trainers and Assessors offering certificate courses in Sports Coaching up to Diploma level, for those wanting a career teaching martial arts and fitness. Martial Arts Sports Coaching in Melbounre is a branch of the shaolin... Read more
Located in the Melbourne CBD, the Wing Chun Bing Fa Kung Fu Academy provides a safe family environment for the teaching of the principle based martial arts system, Wing Chun Kung Fu. We share our knowledge in good faith with tolerance, compassion and respect. At the Wing Chun Bing Fa Kung Fu Academy we expect all of our students to exercise these values in their dealings both within and outside of the school. Read more