Wing Chun for kids
Wing Chun, practised in over 64 countries (including Australia) is the world's most popular form of southern kung fu. It is a concept-based Chinese martial art and a form of self-defence that uses striking and grappling techniques. Bruce Lee is one of the most popular martial artists in Wing Chun history, after he popularized Wing Chun by basing his style on the martial art. Your children can learn this great activity for kids from a young age!
- Category: Sports
- Approximate age to start Wing Chun: 5 years old
- Approximate price: Annual membership: $90, $12 per class, $65 per month
- Gear/equipment needed and approximate price range: Uniform : $80
- This activity comprises of: Striking and grappling
- Best period of the year: Year round
- School holiday programs available: YES

A video of Wing Chun for kids
Information on wing chun for kids
Is Wing Chun right for your kids?
Self defence is just one of the benefits of engaging your child or toddler in martial arts training. Your child will learn and develop a number of important skills while learning Wing Chun for kids.
All Wing Chun techniques are derived from Wing Chun forms. Wing Chun forms are meditative, solitary exercises that help develop self-awareness, balance, relaxation, and sensitivity. These forms train your kids in the fundamental movement and the correct force generation of Wing Chun. There are six forms your child will learn:
- Three empty hand forms (SiuNim Tao, Chum Kiu, and BiuTze)
- One "wooden dummy" form (Muk Yan Jong)
- Two weapon forms (Yee JeeSeung Do and Luk Dim Boon)
Aside from Wing Chun techniques, some of the benefits your kids can acquire from Wing Chun training are:
- Increased social interactivity
- Improved self confidence
- Increased willingness to stand up for oneself and others
- Increased ability to accept mistakes and failures
- Increased awareness of health and fitness
- Improved oncentration
- Improved sense of responsibility
- Greater focus and control
- Improved discipline
- Improved teamwork skills
- Improved coordination
- The ability to release frustration and energy in a productive and healthy manner
- Improved hand-eye coordination and speed
- Inspiration to apply skills to other activities, including their studies
Wing Chun and other self-defence classes are recommended to address bullying in kids. Self-defence classes not only teach children to be able to defend themselves and their peers, they can also help those with bullying tendencies to learn about respect and managing their emotions, particularly anger.
Get your kids to learn Wing Chun!
Wing Chun is usually taught in martial arts schools that offer Kung Fu for kids. Be sure to choose the right school with a friendly, safe, and encouraging environment and round the clock supervision. As they progress through their belts, your children will feel a sense of accomplishment, improving the way they feel about themselves in the short and long term through this kids activity.
To make sure that you are enrolling your kids in a recognised school, it is important to check that it is accredited by an organisation like the Australian Wing Chun Federation. Most schools will provide the martial arts supplies and martial arts uniforms your child will need, and others will just require you to provide comfortable clothing for your child to participate in.
If you are looking for an alternative to Wing Chun, why not think about karate for kids? If you are opting for a softer martial art, then try tai chi for kids. Visit our ActiveActivities directory for more information and tips on martial arts for kids and other kids activities.
Lead your kids to the path of active and healthy lifestyle. Enrol them to Wing Chun for kids!