Tai Chi Classes & Lessons for Kids - the Coastal Region
Best match results for tai chi classes & lessons for kids in the Coastal Region + 5km.
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Traditional Tai Chi Class. Slow, gracefull moves. Teacher with 20 years experience. 9.30am Wednesdays. Woodgate Community Hall-next to Bowls Club. $10/lesson All fitness levels Read more
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With over 20 years of martial art training, competitions and teaching behind us, you will see why we are a great fit for you and your child. Your child's listening, co-ordination and motor skills will all improve quickly. We focus as much on the building of their character and social skills as we do teaching them great martial arts. Children's classes are available to for ages 3 and up and are held at 4 different locations. We currently have classes at Helensvale, Labrador, Musgrave and Southport... Read more
Phoenix Arts. A great school
08-05-2019 by Gene
I have been taking my child to Phoenix Arts for around one and a half years. She has gained a lot through her training. I have been so happy with the school, I have now joined myself. The teachers are excellent and I cnt speak highly enough of them. Give them a go. You won't regret it.
Fun learning
25-04-2019 by Young Young She
I have enjoyed practicing martial arts with coach Gabrielle. The classes are very good: fun as well as educational. It’s good exercise where I learnt how to defend myself as well as having fun in the process. Would recommend!
Highly recommended
08-04-2019 by Beata
Phoenix Arts offers classes to cater to all ages and abilities. The staff is super friendly. My 2 children really enjoyed the training. I loved how the trainers taught the children respect and helped them to focus.
- 6 Hayter St., Currumbin Waters, QLD 4223
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The Australian Institute of Martial Arts (AIMA), has been servicing the Gold Coast Community with Martial Art, Health and Fitness Classes since 2003. Our classes cater for Kids and Adults of all ages starting from 4 yrs old. We deliver a range of programs with a variety of specific outcomes for each member to choose from. KIDS PROGRAMS: ▪ Animal Style Kung Fu Program TIGER - CRANE - EAGLE - DRAGON This progam is broken up into 3 levels for each age group, and caters for kids from 4 - 15... Read more
Full time, fully equipped martial arts dojo with tuition available for TRADITIONAL KARATE 3 - 6 yrs ( Pee wee's ) Monday & Wednesday 4 - 5 pm; 7 -15yrs ( Junior's) Monday & wednesday 5 - 6pm Saturday 9.30am - 10.30am Adult classes Monday & Wednesday 6 - 7.30pm & saturday 11.30 am to 12.30 noon TAI CHI KOBUDO (weapons) Our shopfront and online store stock a broad range of martial arts equipment and uniforms for all styles. Read more
Great place to start a journey
13-02-2019 by Julie-Ann Bell
Great Place To Start A Long Journey. It is not so often now you find a dojo that is run in the time forgotten way where respect is valued and you earn your belt .....you are not given it. Moving away after many years of myself and my family training there, I always feel such great joy in comming back to the place and the Sensei who inspired, challenged and ignited the passion in me to the follow the path. For me the journey will never end.
Chinese Martial Arts with a difference. Our Martial Arts school has, at its core, a sense of community. We foster a family-oriented atmosphere that is built on etiquette, ethics, respect and morality. With our support, experience growth in your mental, physical and emotional wellbeingin whatever sense that means to you. No matter what brings you to FitLife, you can expect friendly, knowledgeable and professional expertise in a safe and supportive environment. We invite you to drop in and join... Read more
Kids Kung Fu Trial - 2 weeks for $21
Come and try out our kids Kung Fu Gold Coast classes. Get fit, gain confidence, learn discipline, become a better person, defend yourself and others.
Fit life martial arts
04-02-2017 by Ben
My two daughters now aged 9 and 11 have been attending fitlife martial arts for around three years now, they absolutely love it, they have both developed into strong,confident young girls which I'm sure will benefit them throughout their entire life. Their Kung fu has given them confidence and has taught them focus and commitment which has shown in their schooling as well. They absolutely love the lion dancing we also do, another bonus. The family atmosphere is very genuine and I would recommend the centre to everyone Ben
Great family friendly Kung Fu school
02-02-2015 by Marc
I have been training here for almost 5 years now, and right from the beginning, I was welcomed and felt like part of the large and diverse family. The Kung Fu at this school is taught with traditional concepts of respect and morality. The kids classes look fun and their is a great mix of young and old, male and female in the adult classes. Beginners are always warmly welcomed. Oh, and did I mention the art itself is amazing!
Yang Tsin Su is the art of good health, it encompasses martial arts, meditation and philosophy. Classes include Soft Form (energy cultivation), Hard Style (hard style kung fu), Sword and staff forms, Woman's Self Defence & Kids Little Lounge Kung Fu. Developed by Sifu Dr L.Lee who trained from the age of three with many top masters in China. He took the best from all the different styles to create Yang Tsin Su. We truly have classes to suit all ages, fitness levels and interests. Little Loung kids... Read more
Totally hooked
04-12-2014 by Stephen Mercer
What a great atmosphere, I found too many martial arts classes were full of bravado. Such wonderful humble people with just so much knowledge, I am so in love with the staff and soft form. Its great to so many kids there, I only wish had started that young. If you want to get active and be healthy in a relaxed positive environment I could not recommend it more.
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